Ukraine’s offensive into the Russian border region of Kursk diverted around 40,000 Russian troops away from the frontline, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday. Kyiv launched its Kursk offensive on August 6 in a bid to pull Moscow’s forces away from eastern Ukraine, where the Russian army has captured a string of villages in recent months.
#Kursk #Russia #Ukraine
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Ukraine is gone.
No matter what anyone thinks about Russia or Ukraine, what’s the point in bombing an elderly residence? Seriously, what’s the tactic or logic in that? Feels like it’s just to strike fear in citizenry.
2 and a half years and Russia is still nowhere near winning 💀
Sasha Ways
Here in the US the media is trying to make us think ukraine has daily victorys and is winning, until they need more money then there losing??
Zelenski and his family getting richer day by day..
His wife Drives Lamborghini
Everett Brooks
Diverted further inside ukraine territory 😂
Shovel army
Look at all those Z Bots going mad^^ delicious
Kub Courts
Zélinsky donne toujours des explications qui lui permettent de justifier ses décisions même quand elles sont mauvaises comme l'incursion de Koursk. Contrairement à ce qu'il affirme, la majorité des troupes russes qui combattent dans le secteur de Koursk n'ont pas été prélevées sur le front du Donbass ce qui explique d'ailleurs pourquoi les Russes y continuent leur progression. Donc il n'a pas obligé Poutine à dégarnir le Front Est et son opération très couteuse est inutile et même contre productive dans la mesure ou l'Ukraine manque de soldats et que l'étirement de la ligne de front ne fait qu'empirer les chose
How comes the clown knows this 😂😂😂😂 don't worry ur useless days are numbered
Ukrainian forces are getting pincered in by Russian forces in kursk region
Probably violates international law. How will France 24 describe Israel 😂😂😂
In zelensky's dreams 😂😂😂
Actually, India has no friendship with Russia
India is helping Ukraine
And yet the offensive failed. Ukraine’s best troops are surrounded now in this pocket, while Russia is still advancing even faster in the south.
france needs to think about what happened to napoleon and then make an assessment.
Imagine waking up one morning to find out the war is over…
France will answer for the hanged children in the Kursk region by French mercenaries
so if it is against international law regarding power plants does this mean the US is going to be charged for every war of the century that its been involved in?
added urgency for Putin, if Z. declare Ukr ppls' rrepublics of Kursk n Belgorod.
So many Russian bots, they hate Zelenskyy too much😂
We can deduce 48.781056 % of what 🇷🇺 says is true…. maybe. 🤔