Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is no longer in a life-threatening condition after being shot several times, the deputy prime minister has said.
Tomas Taraba told the BBC Mr Fico’s surgery had gone “well” and “I guess that at the end he will survive”.
Earlier the defence minister said Mr Fico was “fighting for his life” after being gravely injured in an attack in the small town of Handlova.
A suspect was detained at the scene of the shooting.
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#Slovakia #RobertFico #BBCNews#BBCNews
Fico is supported only by seniors and simple people who watch tv every day and sits in pubs and drinking beer. Brainwashed, idiots who hates liberals, but they realy dont know what thats mean. Fico is man full of hate and lies. For all that years, stealing money with his friends. So much corruption.Thats why life standard in Slovakia is so bad. Old people or people who drinks a lot, has short memory…90% of young or smart people didnt voted him. He won election again only thanks to seniors, which wasnt be supposed to choice countrys future. Thanks to campain full of desinformation and lies and hate. His party sharing only hate and fear. Whats happend is bad for country but even worse is that he was even born
BBC News is a real SUMP !!! Mr Fico Is not pro Russian, He is only anti-EU corruption and pronational, for people…
Body guards guard their own bodies rather than the PM. They are totally unprofessional.
so many bots in the comments…
And off course BBC will use any chance to blame it on Russia…b.s
Robert Fico. Old fashioned Socialist standing up against lockdowns, Covid critique and anti-war.
Украинские власти так же взорвали Дарью Дугину, Владлена Татарского, Захара Прилепина, Александра Захарченко, Александра Шубина, Арсена Павлова, застрелили Михаила Толстых, Олесь Бузина, Илью Кива. Взорвали Крымский мост, Северный поток, курировали теракт в Крокус Сити Холл, сожгли ЗАЖИВО 48 русских в Доме Профсоюзов, расстреляли жителей Мариуполя на 9 мая в 2014. БЕЗНАКАЗАННОСТЬ приводит к потери чувства реальности…..
FTc fc was 😂😂😂
Screw Democracy.
Long live Constitutional Republics baded on Jesus Christ, nationalism and capitalism.
My GOD, this it so terrible reportage. Be ashamed…
Arch duke Franz Ferdinand
This got almost zero coverage in USA. Dont trust USA anymore. Too late.
Dear BBC. As government officials said today at a press conference and answered your questions. Please check what you write about our country and politics. Do not write unverified information. Denník N is against the government, it would be correct if you checked the information from several sources and not only from Denník N.
They're already calling it a "lone wolf" attack, but Wolves hunt in packs. And I suspect this has something to do with Fico wanting to end the Ukraine war which many in the EU call being "Pro-Putin." I guess now they have to get him out of the way, since they couldn't beat him in an election.
Those people don't like having someone at the head of any country in Europe who isn't on their side. Even if you remain neutral, you will be cleared.
Ukraine is behind the shooting because the Slovakian prime minister refused to give free aid and weapons to Ukraine. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken is in Kiev, Ukraine singing in a bar celebrating with Ukrainians the shooting of the Slovakian prime minister .
Very strange that he was lifted in car. Where is the back up Ambulance and medicos. Normally, when VIPs are moving, there will be back up team for meeting any eventuality.
Orban, my friend, take care of yourself
Thank God he is okay! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🕊🕊🙏🙏☮️☮️☮️☮️
Stood up against funding the war in Ukraine and WHO measures about pandemic. This was a strong message to those who oppose Western narratives.
Чапутова сука американская! Уберите её из власти иначе эта шваль принесет Словакии то же самое, что Зеленский принес Украине. Это фашисты!
How is this not a terrorist
How do you be pro Russia when Ukraine is between you and Russia. I can see this being a major issue. How many Ukraine people fled from Ukraine to get away from Russian Putin into Slovakia. This man must have thought he was super man to show his face in public. This was inevitable.
The current president of Slovakia has called for cesation of opposition campaigns.Also he says the attack on Fico is an attack on democracy,that may well be up to a point but Fico's parliament wants to do away with the public broadcasting system and install its own vision.Well thats not exactly democracy in action is it.
4:10 card ID home family and friend men. 🙄
I support free Ireland 🇮🇪 from Dresden (occupied 🇩🇪 )
2:06 Wife Her…. *
We all hope that the prime minister recovers and goes to jail, where he belongs. Even though he has blood on his hands, he does not deserve death. He should be brought to justice, not to the swift hand of fate.
No bulletproof vest? No guards taking the bullet for him? I wonder why? And Sutaj Estok blames the media for their questions 😂 what a bunch of arrogant amateurs!