Georgian lawmakers have passed a law that will force civil society groups and media organisations to declare foreign funding.
There have been weeks of mass street protests and even scuffles inside parliament.
Critics say the law is modelled on a Russian law and could be used to threaten civil liberties.
The government insists it’s necessary for transparency.
On Tuesday, police were dispersing large crowds of protesters outside Georgia’s parliament.
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#Georgia #BBCNews
Say no to Islamic terrorism in England and Europe.
The west wants to control
And use Georgia as it used Ukraine. That’s why they fund protests. But this law exists in many western countries. Protesters are brainless and violent. Undoubtedly some are paid by west.
Brave nation, didn't cave in to western thugs and bullies
That's because Moscow still runs the government in Georgia
а в чем проблема то? чего боимся то показать на кого работаем?)
Europe is being destroyed so where will Georgia go if not to rassia
Foreign Agents Registration Act, FARA) — закон США, принятый в 1938 году, требующий, чтобы иностранные агенты в США, представляющие интересы иностранных держав в «политическом или квазиполитическом качестве», раскрывали свои отношения с иностранным правительством и информацию о соответствующей деятельности и финансах.Почему Америка можно принять этот закон (1938г.) ,а Грузии нельзя? Революция в России в 1917 это тоже было влияние иностранных разведок.Америка это ОЧЕНЬ хорошо знала поэтому и был принят этот закон.
What about the Foreign Agents Registration Act (22 U.S.C. § 611) (FARA)? Is it undemocratic as well? "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi"?
Украинские власти взорвали Дарью Дугину, Владлена Татарского, Захара Прилепина, Александра Захарченко, Александра Шубина, Арсена Павлова, застрелили Олесь Бузина, Илью Кива. Взорвали Крымский мост, Северный поток, курировали теракт в Крокус Сити Холл, сожгли ЗАЖИВО 48 русских в Доме Профсоюзов, расстреляли жителей Мариуполя на 9 мая в 2014. Отказались выполнять Минские соглашение и под давлением Британского премьера не стали подписывать мирный договор в 2022. Тысячи людей гибнут от прямого вмешательства МИ-6 в государственные дела других стран. Карл lll называет это эффект крыла бабочки, именно этот символ он изобразил на своем первом портрете. БЕЗНАКАЗАННОСТЬ приводит к потери чувства реальности 🦋
Complete lie,😵💫😊
Stand strong Georgia government! Don't let foreigners interfer and buy their way into "opposition" and ruin your democracy. This is an obvious CIA color revolution. Another CIA paid for COLOR REVOLUTION. the corrupt BBC screen reads, "Protest continue in Georgia at 'Kremlin-like' law".. It is the exact same law, word for word, as the British and American Foreign Agents Registration Act. BBC could have called it the "British-like" law, or the "American-like" law. All countries have such laws. We don't permit foreigners to come fund opposition groups in our countries. This is being funded by the CIA to disrupt Georgia and open another war against Russia. Such a scummy thing to do.
LOL… Another CIA paid for COLOR REVOLUTION. the corrupt BBC screen reads, "Protest continue in Georgia at 'Kremlin-like' law".. It is the exact same law, word for word, as the British and American Foreign Agents Registration Act. BBC could have called it the "British-like" law, or the "American-like" law. All countries have such laws. We don't permit foreigners to come fund opposition groups in our countries. This is being funded by the CIA to disrupt Georgia and open another war against Russia. Such a scummy thing to do.
Georgia the land Josef Stalin , fucked the world
This is why the U.S. has the second amendment, to ensure protection of the first amendment
democratic elected goverment passing a law. bbc wants civil war.
The law makes sense to prevent foreign interventions in local politics..US should take examples from Georgia…
Ukraine stands with Georgia!!!
Kremlin is in Georgia’s parliament
This bill didn't pass
I don’t quite understand because the United States has a foreign agent law. Why is it bad and pro russian in Georgia while good and pro democracy in the United States? Didn’t the US prosecute Maria Butina as an unregistered foreign agent. This feels very Orwellian. In the U.S. the law applies to Israel AIPAC but isn’t enforced while it is enforced against the Irish. Literally the west doing the same thing but not good for you Georgians? BBC doesn’t mention the US laws also feels a bit Orwellian.
Do they have any exact idea what they're protesting..?
What's wrong with finding out who's funding NGOs to nobble the country?
Georgian government: "the law isn't Russian!"
Also Georgian government: "the law isn't Russian, but if you protest it you and your loved ones will be intimidated, physically assaulted by hired thugs, arrested and might lose your jobs."
This is no different to the USA's FARA Foreign Agents Registration Act. The West is concerned that their level of infiltration will be exposed.