Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor were among the most successful on-screen pairings in the 90s. They gave several hits together, including Ram Lakhan, Tezaab, Khel, and Jamai Raja. Recently, filmmaker Indra Kumar, who worked with the two actors in the 1992 film Beta, revealed they have good on-screen chemistry and are friends off-screen. At the same time, he mentioned that Anil Kapoor goes crazy whenever he hears the actress’s name.
In a new interview with Siddharth Kannan, filmmaker Indra Kumar discussed the bond between for-signing-her-in-dil-and-beta-1365730″ onclick=”triggerArticleInterlinkClick(‘article_interlink_click’,’Anil Kapoor goes crazy when he hears Madhuri Dixit’s name, reveals Beta filmmaker Indra Kumar; says, ‘They share a…’’,’1366571′,’′,’articlepage’,’/entertainment/news/anil-kapoor-goes-crazy-when-he-hears-madhuri-dixits-name-reveals-beta-filmmaker-indra-kumar-says-they-share-a-1366571′,’Madhuri Dixit’,’Body_Hyperlink’,’entertainment’,’news’);”>Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor. He shared inside details about their friendship and admitted that they deeply respected and admired each other. Kumar revealed, “Anil and Madhuri are great friends. They share a completely different chemistry. They respected each other so much.”
The filmmaker added that Malag, the actor, always cared about Madhuri and held her in high regard. Also, he always motivated her when needed, which was reflected in their impeccable on-screen chemistry.
Kumar further mentioned how Anil continues to admire his former co-star and close friend till date saying, “More than a co-star, he was like a giver to her. To date, Anil goes crazy when he hears Madhuri’s name. Puch ke dekh lena kabhi.” (Ask him anytime.)
For those unaware, Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit have worked on nearly 18 films together, including Ram Lakhan, Tezaab, Khel, and Jamai Raja. They were last seen together after several years in Total Dhamaal by Indra Kumar co-starring Ajay Devgn, Riteish Deshmukh, Javed Jaffrey and more.
On the work front, Madhuri was last seen in Kartik Aaryan starrer Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Anil Kapoor was last seen in Divya Khossla’s Savi. He will be next seen in Alia Bhatt starrer Alpha.
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