Eurovision’s executive supervisor Martin Österdahl booed by the audience. #Eurovision #BBCNews




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  1. Tough crowd

  2. I just watched Eurovision. Can anyone tell me why people reacted so bad to this guy? 😨

  3. He can bug*er off

  4. Go home martin

  5. The EBU should be joined of all private or commercial services media broadcasting for each country if EBU for the public service media from country was suspended by Eurovision contests.


  7. EBU is so shitty
    Disgusting and stinky

    EBU is a disgrace
    Rotten and full of shame

  8. Booooooo!!!!!!!!

  9. Boooooooo

  10. I think he did a good job considering the circumstances. The audience booed like spoiled brats.

  11. Petra's face at the end says everything..

  12. BOOoOoOoOo

  13. I as a dutch person, am enraged at Joost's disqualification and EBU's decisions. And I know for sure we're not the ONLY 'disappointed' (to put it lightly) country.

  14. Did anyone miss how Joost conveyed his love for travel over europe (face value of the song, I know the true meaning is much more broad). Eurovision started with Europe and it's people with a unified love for music and songs. This is basically desame as the EBU saying fuck you Europe (and accompanying countries) we make the rules!

  15. EBU made a mess of it all. Allowing Israel to participate was a massive mistake .

  16. Shame on EBU

  17. Stupid crowd 😂😂

  18. since he took over, i knew he wasn’t doing things right and this year he proved it😁

  19. EBU will need to take decisions for next year. This will only become bigger and bigger.

  20. This is not in keeping with the contest but then again nothing this year was. Now we know that the Norwegian entry did indeed threaten a camera operator and a camera was broken. Martin Österdahl do nothing wrong.

  21. That clown of a so-called executive couldn't organise a raffle, let alone Eurovision. Bring back the much-missed Svante Stockselius.

  22. Also fun fact: The reason why Israel can participate in Eurovision is because Palestine was part of the ebu just like other ex colonial countries lile Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc were. So technically, Palestine is the one who should be taking part.

  23. Fuck de Ebu martin osterdahl renuncia fallaste COmo director lo que hiciste destituir a holanda te salio muy mal tu padre nunca lo habria hecho asi que lo mejor is si tienes dignidad is renunciar

  24. The results of the grand final result

  25. The two MOs Martin Osterdahl and Moroccan Oil are good to go!! Eurovision is the big European union event and we don't want them to ruin our party anymore!!

  26. "whatever happens, carry on and smile in camera" 😂 idiots

  27. Que bueno esta el cabron

  28. Ha ha a week later and still not clear what happened but punishment given and for what????? But on the otherside Netherlands should not participate in this strange thing anyway !

  29. EBU is corrupted. Israel should have never been allowed to participate like Russia and the public vote was rigged.

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