Climate activist Great Thunberg is well-known across the world. But have you heard of Severn Cullis-Suzuki?
In 1992, when she was just 12, Severn warned the world about the environmental crisis.
Here she tells her story.
Video from @bbcideas
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I wonder if she knows that the skies are being prayed with all sorts of chemicals to make it rain even more. Justblike what happened in Dubai not so long ago? The north of the united kingdom has been blanketed with heavy clouds all summer with rain nearly every couple of days. Temperatures were below average seasons most of the summer.
They are trying to wash out the good fertile farm soils with chemcal induced heavy rain fall. Blame the climate on cows farting! Bill Gates "the super hero" that knows "everything" from computer viruses, World health and VACCINES! To climate change! The evil Satanist doing its bit! And people believe it!
I appreciate the attempt to make the world become a better place of those activists. As a gen Z, however, I haven't seen any drastic positive change in the world as we are experiencing extreme events such as drought in Romania, Mexico,.. and heatwaves and flood happening at the same time in different regions in India. Admittedly, we are driving electric-run vehicles instead of petrol-run ones, using paper bags instead plastic bags and recycling wastes to help slow down the climate change, etc. Nevertheless,
– some people are still running their petrol-run transit because of their lower prices,
– some people are still using plastic bags for its convenience and elasticity,
– Some people are still unconsciously put all waste types in one trash bin.
I know that authorities and policy makers are the one to take actions, introduce new laws and regulations to address this issue. But I think the citizens' behaviours also play a crucial role in this. They need to obey the law and change their bad habits to good so that climate change could be solved completely
Using children for propaganda purposes sounds like the 1930s.
The UN's IPCC AR6, chapter 12 "Climate Change Information for Regional Impact and for Risk Assessment", section 12.5.2, table 12.12 confirms there is a lack of evidence or no signal that the following have changed:
Air Pollution Weather (temperature inversions),
Avalanche (snow),
Average precipitation,
Average Wind Speed,
Coastal Flood,
Agricultural drought,
Hydrological drought,
Erosion of Coastlines,
Fire Weather (hot and windy),
Flooding From Heavy Rain (pluvial floods),
Heavy Rain,
Heavy Snowfall and Ice Storms,
Marine Heatwaves,
Ocean Acidity,
Radiation at the Earth’s Surface,
River/Lake Floods,
Sand and Dust Storms,
Sea Level,
Severe Wind Storms,
Snow, Glacier, and Ice Sheets,
Tropical Cyclones.
How about some quotes from the UN's IPCC AR6?
"There is low confidence in the emergence of heavy precipitation and pluvial and river flood frequency in observations, despite trends that have been found in a few regions."
"There is low confidence in the emergence of drought frequency in observations, for any type of drought, in all regions."
"Observed mean surface wind speed trends are present in many areas, but the emergence of these trends from the interannual natural variability and their attribution to human-induced climate change remains of low confidence due to various factors such as changes in the type and exposure of recording instruments, and their relation to climate change is not established. . . The same limitation also holds for wind extremes (severe storms, tropical cyclones, sand and dust storms)."
There is no objective observational evidence that we are living through a global climate crisis. None.
Climate Communists terrorizing children into thinking the world is going to end. Disgraceful.
Weirdly, Thatcher made a damn good climate change speech at the UN in 1989, something present-day Tories in their worship of a myth seem to have entirely forgotten at the prompting of fossil-fuel interests.
The planet is fine ,C02 is amazing, fossil fuels is our god,we are all so much safer and healthier because of fossil fuels,there has never been less poverty and every upcoming country that can tap into there natural resources should do so,we should all benefit,dont listen to these freaks,there science has been politicised
Pointless video in the extreme. Please refund my license fee
What a beautiful segment
A scientist found out about CO2 and heat radiation capture long time ago,
1965 (I was born) the Oil industry knew what there selling will harm !
1975 Paris Agreement
2024 look now ! WE failed – and will fail further.
I went down to 2 to CO2 a year for the hole family('s) /people living on this area with huge solar,
even less eat meat and most chicken I reduce that also
and driving is MOST when needed, fun-rides area bout 5 a year, no holiday.
When I lay on my death bed I CAN look into the eyes of my daughter and proof I tried to solve it.
My imagine about her future and even still mine are terrible.
So far I have to write it is NOT sad about the humans, if GONE.
It is sad about all the other life forms have to suffer also.
Waite,isn’t this happened before?
Another example of using children to push an agenda.
"How dare you!"
Why would a 12 year old be informing the world? That’s nonsensical. There’s no way a 12 year old has a comprehensive understanding on such a complex topic. Scientist in the field can’t agree on the subject. But miraculously this 12 year old has it figured out. Or maybe the same people who propagandized her are now using her as a tool to bring sympathy for their cause. They just coincidentally turn a huge profit on selling this baseless nonsense to the willing masses.
Doesn't matter how many times you repeat these lies it doesn't make it true, a real first world ignore , poverty, slavery, and Hunger across the developing world the very people you seek to limit access to affordable energy. How very noble of you.
And she was proven to be a mental as nothing happened if you exclude bbc hysteria and fake stories about it.
And still they haven't listened all the elites or whoever really holds the power in this world care only about profit.
Do we need another clueless dimwit like Greta? 🤡
She is just a child that was programmed by her nut bar leftist parents.
Go away Defundthebbc
You can push for progress with governments & then they need to act to push the masses forward, it’s the only way 🧐
CO2 is at historically low levels. We need more.
Its an honor to be compared to someone who said isreal is the same as Russia?
And no, we didn't call it climate change
We qere worried
pollution would kill us all
Nukes would fry us
We would die of now treatable diseases.
I think young people should learn their modern history before stupid stuff falls out of their mouth
How long before the British taxpayers wake up and stop funding the daily garbage the BBC keep feeding the unsuspecting public? How long before you say enough is enough?
Is anyone still paying their licence fee?
Apparently yes, as the BBC still exists.
What a shame.
Repeat a lie enough times and every idiot will believe it. Man made climate change is just another cash and freedom grab from the plebs, manipulated by their egos and childish emotions 🤡🌎
Using 12 year olds to make a serious point only takes away from the seriousness of the issue… I can't believe this isn't obvious. Sadly, as adorable as it is, these youth activists have only caused more harm than good. Not only will no one take them seriously, they've only made a mockery of the situations they tried to represent… sigh.
Having a speech at your local high school or colleges would've been fine, but don't try to preach to others who aren't your peers, you'll only insult them and cause them to instinctively turn against you to preserve their own self-worth. Grown adults taking any advice from children is too humiliating, of course they'll choose not to… this is basic common sense.
These youth activists intentions were good of course, but their methods were extremely naive due to inexperience. The adults who thought it was cute to parade these kids around, shame on them for not knowing better. If the world burns and more species goes extinct, they're just as responsible for not considering the effects of using children to mock professionals in the field. They themselves should've gave the speeches, not use these children as props for their causes.
I have a theory, what if…and hear me out, the planet has been here for 4 billion years and recovered after it was smashed by Theia which created the moon. Numerous huge impacts and mass dying events, many, many temperature swings, so a degree or 2 will do absolutely F**k all to the planet. Extinction is the norm, not the exception, so it’s par for the course 👌🏻
What aload Of bollox 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
What is it with you legacy institutions that are always so prone to use children when it comes to issues that adults are responsible for. It was adults who informed and taught her why can't you just put them in front of the cameras instead?
And then she went on to burn fuel and be apart of the system just like all of us. Real activists don't speak out, they are amish
Makes you think about it all.
We did drills In school in the 60s on preparing for nuclear war. Back then, we learned about ice ages, the Holocene Climate Optimum, and the Little Ice Age. I’m sorry politicians have rewritten climate history in order to secure more control over the masses.
The flood that is occurring in Brazil destroyed more than 400 cities including the state capital and left more than 1 million people homeless, including me. The flood area is the size of England. Entire devastated cities will have to be rebuilt far from rivers. There is an incalculable loss that exceeds billions. and many people dying and thirsty. We need help, please.