John Feal continues his advocacy for those with 9/11 related illnesses and injuries


Feal was a demolition supervisor at Ground Zero when a falling steel beam landed on his foot, requiring partial amputation.

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  1. Do those suffering still today have to pay for their own healthcare? They should NOT have to pay a penny for anything they need…..😡😡😤😤 to hear what that vile LL said it’s despicable

  2. John, I miss seeing you on X, thank you for helping me when I really needed help…you're an amazing man! ❤

  3. John Feal, American Hero ❤❤❤❤


  5. ABC when is your next debate? I'm assuming your moderators are prepping already!! They debated their ass' off last night 🤣🤦‍♂️

  6. ABC Sucks Ass

  7. Our own government was the cause of both 911s government lied about both New York Pentagon 911 and Benghazi 911 evil government killed Americans made 911 that was holy Day Jesus Christ Started his ministry and teachings on 911 just like April 1 is Jesus Christ birthday and gov made it April fools day Jesus Christ taught in Syria died in Israel and Jesus Christ mom is buried in turkey different empires even evil people in Americans took good holy history and made it about death and sadness and made Jesus Christ real birthday a April fools joke so much history changed made evil or killed 2996 people on 911 the 2996 numbers the end hidden evil symbols 666 mark of the devil because bushes big owl statue devil worshipers and made lots of money of people dying that day bushes business partners bought buildings and got insurance money from buildings or how gold and money disappeared day before 911 or no plane parts rocket fired into Pentagon instead of plane government evil lied to the American people about lots of things or Saudi hijacked planes but bushes went to war with iraq that had nothing to do with 911 ways to change everything like Bush sitting in class room same day as 911 acting surprised demolition level by level bombing

  8. But where did the "plane" go that hit the Pentagon? Not to mention the $2 trillion dollars missing, that Rumsfeld called a press conference for on 9-10-01 at the Pentagon. We know what happened the very next day, at the same building. Weird how the records keeping room was destroyed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. ​​Greetings from Croatia !!!Comments are turned off for Presidential Debate: Harris and Trump!!That says it all.

  10. Look at 911 numbers deaths 2996 like Mark of evil deaths 666 hidden Evil symbols like bushes big owl cult statue devil worshipers

  11. وبحكم القانون لا بد من قوانين ترعد الجميع الديمقراطيه فتمنح للاشرار يزداد عنفا ولا هنا قانون يعاقبه القوانين وضعت لكي تقيم الحد لمن يسيء للاخر وتنشر العدل والانضباط التوازن

  12. ما معنى المناخ في هذه اسباب طبيعيه تتغير مع مرور الوقت والزمان خارج عن اراده البشريه

  13. تغيير الطبيعه تحويل الامراه الى رجل والرجل الى امراه هذه بعيده وتغيير عن الفطره لم نجده اولاد التوراه ولا في الانجيل ولا في الاسلام ولا اي دين من الاديان هذا حزب الديمقراطي سيدمر العالم لاجمع ومنها امريكا عليكم ان تختاروا الشخصيه الصحيحه كدوله عميقه وحاضره

  14. وتدعم الشواذ المثليه لا للمثليه وهذا جرما كبير وفاحشه

  15. وانها هي مارس امراه عاطفيه وتستعيد

  16. اما جو بايدن اول حزب الديمقراطي كل شيء بالنسبه لهم مباح وهذا ممنوع ما يخدم مصالحهم يفعلون ولكي يغطوا عن اغلاطهم ليس هناك قانون او دستور او بالشريعه الاديان ان يسمع الانسان بكل شيء يجب ان يكون هناك قوانين تمنع بعض الامور ظاهرها شر ولكن هي رحمه لا يغرنكم ظاهر الامر الحزب الديمقراطي الديكتاتوري سببت باخطاء كبيره اين الديمقراطيه في الموضوع قاطعته بالمناظره وشتمته عده الشتم من من جعل ترامب يغض الطرف عنها الاحترام والثبات لانها امراه جاهله تراب يتمتع بقوه شخصيه شخصيه وله مهابه امام العالم وله يد من حديد اما هذه امراه ليس لها هيبه وكذابه جو بايدن لم يستطيع يتفادى حرب روسيا اوكرانيا اما عن الشرائح الالكترونيه الذي تستمد الصين من تايوان صعود التنين الصيني بامريكا ومن دونها انه صاعد لا تحملوا هذه الاعباء على ترامب المعنى فيروس كورونا او مما تسميه كوفيد فليس له ناقه ولا جمل هذا دمر العالم باجمع كل البلاد تضررت منه

  17. امن القانون الاجهاض ربما شرع به ولو كان يمنعه لبقي هذا الامر انه لم يجبر النساء الامريكيات يفعل عمليه اجهاض ان الشعب الامريكي مخير

  18. ترامب قدم نصرا للعالم باجمع يهدد الامن القومي العالمي بقتل البغدادي

  19. سمعني الاقتصاد الامريكي فقد كان منهار قبل ان ياتي ترامب

  20. لماذا هذه العنصريه هناك عدسه بوضوح لمارس وعدسات لي ترامب مغبشه

  21. Harris was wearing nova earrings

  22. you're running a rigged show, but we all know that don't we… didn't know how much though, satanists.

  23. What ever, you want to be 'news' ABDNC fake asses, you're bosses did it, to in act the patroit act, so idiots like you and them can destroy us from with in, with you're billionaire Clubs… WEF/BlackRock… fake ass little bytches

  24. ABC News Refused to Fact Check Kamala, So We Did… – The Natioinal Pulse
    Fact checking Kamala, for ABC – CFP CitizenFreePress

  25. May God bless our fallen heroes. We will never forget.♥️🇺🇲⚘

  26. Theyd rather give money to Ukraine, China, Iran, illegals..and to themselves😢

  27. Just thinking about how Europeans built up New York in the 50’s and 60’s and then this happens and the new comers get everything for free. I just balled crying during this guy’s whole interview.

  28. Shocking that these heroes aren’t treated as such, they should want for nothing. 😢

  29. In my blue sanctuary city our undocumented newcomers have everything they need and are well taken care of so it's an absolute horrifying that this is still happening.

  30. The ABC debate crew needs to be charged with election interference.

  31. Pathetic, biased and disgusting news channel.

  32. Why are they not getting funded ?

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