Windermere turning green due to high tourist numbers, researchers say | BBC News


High visitor numbers are turning one of Britain’s most scenic lakes green, researchers say.

A report funded by the UK space agency suggests a link between peak tourist periods and algal blooming at Windermere in the Lake District.

Algal blooming is caused by warm temperatures and nutrients, and can make the water green and toxic.

Campaigners are linking the blooms to discharges of sewage, which although mostly treated, are nutrient-rich.

United Utilities, the local water company, insists its wastewater plants can cope with peak tourist periods

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  1. What a load of shit, how much money do your benefactors have in the water treatment business BBC? You know its water companies up and down the country that are the reason our rivers are disgusting, shame on you for spinning this utter bollocks.

  2. Certainly looked on when I visited a week ago, I did a video

  3. It was an illegal dump anyone with holidays there contact there water company to claim compensate as you or your pets cant swim in it now they illegally dumped waste were are victims. I'm 800 down on a weekend holiday now due to hearh I can't bow go

  4. Not the 10 million litres of raw sewage illegally dumped in the middle of the lake….

  5. "…to enable us to grow sustainably". That is the human predicament in a nutshell. You can't beat maths.

  6. Now are they gonna re-report it was the water company dumping sewage water in?

  7. Rubber bungs are about £15. Just sayin 😉

  8. its the soup dragons doing all this ………………… read it in a book ………….
    but dont worry richie the head clanger is on the case ………. like, suitcase outa here maybe ……..
    i dont have to live there …. doh wheres my welicopter get the musical boat were leaving soon bye bye ………
    state of the nation //

  9. It might also be that the water is wet or that it's the fish or too many immigrants or Europe… research has shown…

  10. It's not the raw sewerage that's being pumped into it then?

  11. Not agriculture…?

  12. Biogas engineering pls

  13. England is becoming toxic toilet. I think we reached capicity. If you have kids what kinda sicko are you if you guide them into oblivion. Revolution

  14. Eutrophication is a big problem with Canadian lakes, and is caused by a combination of things, but mainly : high temperatures, sewage effluent and lawn and farm fertilizers leaching into the lake from run-off. Even the lack of natural shoreline vegetation can contribute to the problem.

  15. 安理會對於國民黨軍的階段性軍事政變計劃,有什麼看法??

  16. ظنت وجة البوكاكى المسماة رولينج بأنها كاتبة قبل أن تعرف بأن هاري بوتر شخصية مصرية من ثقافة ديانة السحر
    ههه ماذا لو كان هاري بوتر الذي سيكون شخصية اسطورية سيتم ميلادها بعد ألف سنة لة جنسية أخري غير الجنسية المصرية أو هو من وطن آخر ولكن أبية وأمة قرروا الأتيان للمجيء للسكن في مصر .. وجة البوكاكي رولينج لم تفكر في ذلك
    تذكرنى رولينج بشخصية عاهرة من الصين ذهبت إلي بيت دعارة لممارسة الدعارة بسبب أنها رأت أن أباها لا يشبهها وعلي ذلك أستنتجت من بعد المعادلات والدراسة والفحص والتدقيق أن طالما أن أباها لا يشبهها فبالتأكيد أن أمها خانت أباها مع شخص آخر فأقسمت وآلت على نفسها لتذهبن إلي بيت دعارة من أجل تقديم نفسها لهم طالما أنها رأت أنها لا تشبة أبيها وقالت " آوة هكذا هي الحياة أن البنات والفتيات اللواتى لا يشبهن آباءهن أمثالها فلا بد أن يكون مصيرهن أن يكونن في بيت دعارة" (دانتى المفروض تحصلى على اللزقة الدهبية على كلماتك الجليلة .. رولينج حصلت على اللزقة السحرية .. لزقة على شكل قِدر ساحرات) .. وفي الصباح فعلت هكذا ذهبت إلي بيت دعارة من بعد رحلة قطعتها في طريقها أليهم ثم جاءت إليهم وطرقت الباب وضمت يدا على يد وقالت لهم هل تأذنون لي بالعمل عندكم والأقامة عندكم كعاهرة فقالوا لها🎉🎊 بكل سرور تفضلي تفضلي وهكذا عَمَلَت عندهم عاهرة
    فلو كان هناك ضوء في مخها لقال لها مخها ولو كنتى لا تشبهين أبيكى فربما تشبهين أب أبيكى أو أم أبيكى أو أخ أبيكى أو أخت أبيكى ولكنها منعت هذا الضوء عن مخها

  17. Mmm fix the sewerage runoff with decent infrastructure – simple if a little expensive perhaps…

  18. Who still listens to the BBC is my question…

  19. Forced praise! Forced satisfaction! In essence, the Chinese government uses administrative power to kidnap people!

  20. Oh, it must be the tourists having pees and poos while they swim not the water company.

  21. It is the responsibility of the sewage treatment plants to treat the sewage properly before letting it in to the lake.we cannot blame the tourists. Algae cause eutrophication thereby oxygen is depleted and fish can no longer survive.Sea weeds and shellfish growth should be encouraged so that the harmful nitrogen will be removed from the algae

  22. Do bbc (no capitals for parasites) still send their goons around to grannies houses to try and force them to pay for useless crap they never watch?

  23. Record high dividends paid to their shareholders, and not towards investments, that's where the money goes😣

  24. Its the sheep

  25. Definitely the working class tourists. Definitely. It just stands to reason that a warm weather algae bloom correlates to a warm weather lake tourist pattern. If it’s not that, it’s definitely corruption at the sewage treatment plant. What it is NOT- is rich people dumping 100s of metric tons of fertilizer on their sprawling lawns that lead right down to the water’s edge all summer long. Nope. Definitely NOT THE RICH PEOPLE. It’s obviously the ill-mannered working class on holiday coming and mucking up the lake while they also cause traffic that is horribly inconvenient for the rich people wanting to spend a few weeks at their 7 acre lake estate. And the lawn looks beautiful because the landscapers have been on it since March, but the lake! My god, the TOURISTS have ruined it!

  26. Nothing to do with the raw sewage being poured into it by the water companies? At this point the BBC is just a propaganda tool for the government.

  27. Yes! It's my poo 💩 after a big Indian!

  28. We. As in the UK need higher standards of treatment. But the bigger picture is our wastewater infrastructure as a nation can't cope.

  29. Eutrophication 😢

  30. super sad to see, the algae will kill anything if not avoided!

  31. More green nonsense.

  32. Climate change, dumping into a lake that has been clean for years.

  33. Before increasing customer bills maybe check how much profit the company makes first and use that.

  34. It's not the tourists who are responsible for the sewage discharges, it is the privatised water companies, who do the dumping…this is gaslighting about tourism. The campaigners are right, the water companies are to blame. It's utterly shameful, that the tourists are being blamed.
    The main reason this is happening is because the water companies are misusing their profits, to pay shareholders not invest, which is why they are trying to rip off their customers. At least where I live I have a choice of water companies, so I choose to stay with the cheaper one, who actually do a reasonable job. The other is a notorious polluter and expensive, so they only own the local drains. I'm not switching to them.

  35. Tourist takes shits.
    BBC:You are the problem

  36. Ahh yes, hate the tourists and not the rich, nice one bbc
    This is such a bullshit report and obviously trying to blame tourists rather than greedy capitalists who probably funded this story

  37. For obvious reasons my town is better than Windermere.

  38. Basically, the wastewater treatment plant has no capacity to handle the amount of pollutants during the tourist season, which means the company needs to expand its plant, and customers or taxpayers must pay for the cost, one way or another.

  39. ALL utility companies where OWNED by the tax payer until some bright sh.t decided to sell it off to enrich the bloom in shareholder accounts. NOT profit first! Do the business you bought the company for providing water SERVICES. Time to CAP profits!

  40. Frighteningly low levels of nutrients are required in a water body to result in disastrous eutrophication. Even the best quality waste water discharges won't suffice. THE LAKE MUST BE BY-PASSED.

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