on this Star Wars Day, we’re revisiting a funny and frank BBC archive interview with Carrie Fisher, aka Princess Leia, from a long time ago… in 1977.
It was a role that would make Carrie Fisher one of the most famous faces on the planet.
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help me,obi wan kenobi.you are my only hope.”
To be fair, it is out of context a bit, but the 1st James Bond film from the 1960s cost only a million pounds/dollars to produce, and look at where the James Bond series is now after 60 years of success
So these low-budget films at the time made a maximum impact and later become institutions in cinema.
R.I.P., Ms. Fisher.
I love Star Wars 😊
RIP Carrie
I had forgotten how articulate she was and how sexy her voice was…
Was such an amazing beautiful actress ❤️
Using computer graphics is not meant to say it's a scientific research process. Essentially would do it because as a king have the people and some spare hundred dollars in your pocket for employment and taxes deducted from 3000€-5000€ for anybody making it. Truth it's your home to blame, because you can't build them new.
why? bbc charged money than her for advertising movie
BBC is expire just now 😩😩
aljazeera viva 🚁🛩️🛩️🛩️
Her last interview should have been, how a facelift ruin my career 🪠
Charming to the last. 💜
What a bright, beautiful, and intelligent young woman.
Millie Bobby brown looks like her identical twin.
But it wasn't low budget though
Wish you posted the full interview
Star Wars wrecks lives
Please be aware that C I A (US Central Intelligence Agency) has been using a terrible weapon (electromagnetic wave weapon) created by the Soviet Union about 70 years ago against the Japan people for more than 60 years, and that C I A (US Central Intelligence Agency) is still using that weapon against the Japan people today.
It seems that Japan also tell people in other countries that there is such a fact when they go abroad for study, business trips, sightseeing, etc. ( Telling people about this fact in Japan is punishable by the Japan government.)
Also, please let the people of the world know that there are Japanese people who have been suffering for over 60 years due to the inhuman arrangement between the CIA (American Central Intelligence Agency) and the Japanese government at the time. The Japanese people suffer every day from the horrific weapons used by C I A. I'm asking for help.
The content of the comment is true. Many Japan people are aware of this. Former U.S. President Donald Trump is also aware of this fact.
Japan Ms. Tomoko Akane has been appointed as the President of the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands.
Can anyone please denounce to the International Criminal Court the "inhumane arrangements" between the C I A using horrific weapons against Japan people, the Japan government tacitly condoning the use of weapons, and the 1957 "inhumane arrangement" between Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi and C I A
The Japan person is waiting for salvation.
One Japan who has been suffering for more than 60 years due to the horrific weapons used by C.I.A. is seeking salvation
Every day I am subjected to human experimentation with horrific weapons by the C I A. Please help immediately.
ソビエト連邦が、約70年程前に作った恐ろしい兵器 ( 電磁波による兵器 )を C I A ( アメリカの中央情報局 )が 60年以上にわたり日本人に使用してきたこと、及び、今現在もその兵器を一人の日本人に対して、C I A ( アメリカの中央情報局 )が 使用している事実を承知して下さい。
日本国内の多くの一般の日本人も 留学・出張・観光等で海外に出向いた時に他国の人々に、このような事実があることを伝えているようです。( 日本国内でこの事実を人に話すことは、日本政府により処罰されます。)
そして、C I A ( アメリカの中央情報局 )と当時の日本政府との、非人道な取り決めで、60年以上も苦しまされている日本人がいることを、世界の人々も知って下さい。その日本人は、C I A が使用する恐ろしい兵器により、毎日苦しんでいます。助けを求めています。
今年3月には日本人の赤根智子氏がオランダの国際刑事裁判所 の裁判所所長に就任をしております。
恐ろしい兵器を日本人に使用する C I A と、兵器の使用を黙認している日本政府、及び、1957年の 岸信介首相と C I A との「非人道な取り決め」を、どなたか国際刑事裁判所へ告発して下さいませんか。
C I A が使用する恐ろしい兵器により、60年以上も苦しみ続けている1人の日本人は、救いを求めています。
( 日本国 三重県四日市市西日野町 曽根 鉄男 )
Kids today doesn't care about Star Wars… only if the parents try to push Star Wars toward the kids.
If the kids say No to watching it. Stop asking the kids to watch Star Wars.
May the force be with you Carrie. R.I.P 🙏
Did Carrie just have to do ALL THE COKE In Dagobah?
god she was a gift.