A look at border reinforcements in Calexico #shorts


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  1. The wall was nothing but a waste of tax payer money

  2. Not to count the water drill they probably already own underground

  3. There's a reason why they hire them for everything they can cut through anything and they'll do it with heat

  4. I think they're just flying drones over and dropping the stuff anyways but yeah I hope it works

  5. So you start working on the border right before election?

  6. Free scrap

  7. So what he didn’t have a tape measure, instead tells us that it stretches a very long distance? What an inane segment!

  8. Ummm…wire cutters? $7 at Ace Hardware.

  9. Typically the owners of jails who profit and also construction companies who profit from incomplete walls like this are billionaire cronies of the GOP.

  10. Kamalas border security is a Chihuahua handing out EBT cards and plane tickets.

  11. Why do that in borders
    Maybe they don't respect each other in borders

  12. What point are you trying to make?

  13. Like someone couldn't just lob something over if they wanted. What a waste. It would also stop wildlife

  14. Imagine if someone had something….oh, maybe a light weight cloth or chain ladder? that could be tossed or shot over the fence. Guess nobody could do something like that?

  15. I’ve been to both. The sign doesn’t say you can’t climb.

  16. 150 more yrs and it could be finished! 😂

  17. Nice wall Trump

  18. So nobody is smart enough to toss stuff over? Or toss it through just above the grate? lol 😂
    “Walls” are a waste of money. It’s insulting how dumb they think people are. Right Trumpy?

  19. Let be practical, The wall is symbolic , And to minimize illegal actions and activities, Like weapons, Drugs, And humans smuggling . It's won't protect America, But it will make it more difficult to harm America , And it will make border patrol job easier, And safer … And it will save money at long term , America needs immigrants, let be more legal ways to come, and work

  20. If 5000 people are being allowed through each and every day then what's the point?

  21. Trump visits border wall construction, calls technology 'virtually impenetrable'
    Trump visited construction of the southern border wall close to San Diego on Wednesday, describing it as an "amazing project" and a “world-class technology system.”

  22. Jose can cut through that in 50 seconds

  23. Great to see, glad they are slowing addressing the problem

  24. The metal he's talking about is called expanded metal.

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