Beach house collapses into water


Another home has collapsed into the water of the Outer Banks in North Carolina along a beach that is rapidly eroding. It is the third house that has collapsed since Friday, according to the National Park Service. #cnn #news



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  1. I can’t believe there’s no meth heads trying to get the copper out before it floats away.

  2. Again, why are american homes nit made of concrete?

  3. The builders and whatever county officials approved of these homes being built need to be fined and held accountable. For the homeowners, hard lesson in common sense and contentment. They tried to own a piece of the ocean rather than just enjoying it like the rest of us.

  4. Oh tut mir nicht leid

  5. Since 1977, Exon has buried a report about fossil fuel climate crisis. Maybe big oil should pick up the tab instead of FEMA taxpayer money. "We the people" subsidize these entities, and they pay nothing in taxes. For another wealthy douchbag to have a home on the beach…..

  6. Y’all… I love that movie, “Nights in Rodanthe.” 😂

  7. No surprise…

  8. Thats millions being wasted

  9. Why wasn't this house taken apart before this happened?

  10. Most of these houses have already been relocated inland at least once.

  11. It’s a houseboat 👍

  12. Have no more money to waste on rich insurance claims

  13. Why is anyone even allowed ti build on beach anymore??

  14. No but seriously, thank you for polluting the ocean with your shitty home. The marine life appreciates it.

  15. My record collection! 😭

  16. I hope the home owners are charged for polluting or at least have to pay for clean up. . They knew it was going to go…it should have been demolished long before this happened. Same with the house next door.

  17. Reminds me of Kamala Harris at an interview.

  18. Why was it built on the water the first place

  19. The wiseman built his house on rock.

  20. Americans have truly bizarre building practices. Why would you build a house on such weak stilts, in the sand and on a beach? Im from a country famous for its beaches and this exists no where here because, duh, the sea will sweep your house away.

  21. It's a wonder it didn't knock the other house down

  22. Maybe just stop building on or in the water? This is ridiculous

  23. 9…..Je suis harcelé depuis 1997/98. Des cousins de mon père me considèrent comme un étranger et un pauvre parce qu'ils sont riches et connaissent des milliardaires…. Ces cousins sont également impliqués dans les services de renseignement français. Ces cousins sont de la famille Lopez, leurs familles sont dans la région de Sommières, dans le Gard, dans le sud de la France, a Vauvert le CER lopez .. Ils sont aussi avec un grand gang en France et une grande communauté… il était prévu que j'épouse une cousine de leur famille,de la région de Sommières 30 , une fille qui s'appelle Frédérique Rouffiange . J'ai refusé de m'accoupler avec elle en 1997. C'est alors que le harcèlement a commencé… .j'ai parlé a plusieurs de ces harceleurs et certains m'ont dit être avec le renseignement . ///Hello This is a very serious … Please help me! …..I've been harassed since 1997/98. My father's cousins consider me foreign and poor because they are rich and know billionaires…. These cousins are also involved in French intelligence services. These cousins are from the Lopez family, their families are in the Sommières region, in the Gard, in the south of France, in Vauvert the CER Traffic education center lopez …. They also have a large band in France and a large community… I was to marry one of their cousins, from the Sommières region in the Gard, a girl called Frédérique Rouffiange. I refused to mate with her in 1997. That's when the harassment started…. I spoke to several of these harassers and some of them told me they were part of the intelligence services… help me if you can! Share .please help me leave my country ! Please help me! There has been harassment and worse. Please help me leave this country! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me ! My country is a country of misfortune for me … please help me to leave my country .] I'd like to start a business or a company, but I can't do that in France. Here I am harassed by the intelligence my life is very painful is a nightmare. Please help me to leave my country. Help me leave this country of traitors ! Please help me !

  24. See Phil Bolgers. Instant house boat construction and launch

  25. They waste rescue resources on someone who chose to live on that? Mkay 😂

  26. Bunch of dumb rich people build houses on the water and then polluting our oceans as they go down. Totally selfish.

  27. Hum, I think it is not a beach house… more like a breaker house.

  28. First of all, was that a person who went under the house? Second are you saying all of the beach houses along the beach and the entire beach community should not exist there? That the entire coasts should be national park lands? Isn't that a large part of your tourist industry? House rentals on the beach? I guess I'm split on the matter.

  29. We need to build away from water a few miles

  30. Build next to ocean. Wonder why this happens. 😅 Then cry about it like you didn't see it coming. 😂

  31. The foolish man built his house upon the sand

  32. …and this is why our insurance rates go ever higher into the stratosphere..

  33. When you build a house on stilts on sand near one of nature’s most powerful forces don’t be surprised when it floats away.
    Also the home owner shouldn’t be allowed to purchase insurance for it and should have to pay for the cleanup of the debris

  34. And we all pay for the rich to live where they shouldn’t.

  35. Hope nobody was in there

  36. Hope nobody was in there

  37. Notice all of the wealthy areas and vacation destinations have been a target for nature’s plan to change the landscape. Since Texas and Californias rare weather events.

  38. This is why you don’t build on the shoreline. If the govt stopped providing coverage, people would think twice before doing this.

  39. Where did the guy in the red shirt go?!?!

  40. I'm a lifelong NC resident. While seeing someone's house crash into the ocean is horrifying and sad… The pollution that also goes into the ocean is horrific as well. Homeowners should be required to pay a large fine and agree not to build on the beach ever again. Our coast is such a delicate environment and has suffered because of human misuse and abuse. The building materials floating away carry dangerous chemicals and many other substances that harm everything in the ocean, from tiny plankton to the largest whales. Those homeowners knew it was unwise to build a house on the beach, and they should be held responsible, somehow.

  41. Vote blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🧢🙏

  42. Anyone see furniture?

  43. Why build a house in water it was on stilts what did they think would happen? Ocean eventually going to corrode boards hell look at steel along the ocean

  44. WOW, a beautiful home like THAT? Is just trash now 😅

  45. Sucks that it happened, but that's what you get when you stupidly build your house too close to the ocean.

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