Leave it to The New York Times to have an addicting yet educational word game to crack! Since “Connections” is one of the publication’s most popular games, the answer for today, January 13, 2025, was a tough one to solve.
Luckily, we’ve got the hints and the final answer to today’s puzzle.
How to Play ‘Connections’
“Connections” begins with a set of 16 words in a grid, and players have to separate the words into four related groups. The difficulty of each category is marked in the colors yellow, green, blue and purple. Yellow is the easier one, while purple is considered the most difficult.
After a player selects each group’s four words, they click “submit,” which should become the category’s color if it’s correct.
‘Connections’ January 13 Hints
Here are our hints for Monday’s “Connections” answer:
- Words related to educating or helping someone learn.
- Words related to saving or storing something for later.
- These are common commands when learning to drive.
- Think about common terms that can complete the phrase with “worm.”
“Connections” editor Wyna Liu is familiar with the frustration that players have when they can’t solve a game. While speaking with Slate in July 2024, Liu described the process behind developing each game.
“The process is I have a notebook where I keep down category ideas. And when I sit down to make boards, I’ll take one of those ideas, I’ll take those words, and then I’ll start spinning off of them,” Liu said. “And then, the boards will be built from that, and sometimes it goes in surprising directions. I feel like that’s sort of one of the most joyful things about making games. I don’t know what the categories are gonna be. I start with like a seed. And then I’m just like, ‘Oh, what does this word do?,’ and then maybe like a dozen categories of possibilities and then you kind of see if any of those words are playing off each other, and the brain builds from that.”
What Is the ‘Connections’ January 13 Answer?
The answer to today’s “Connections” game is:
- Driving Instructor Directives: BRAKE, PARK, SIGNAL, TURN
- _____ Worm: BOOK, EARTH, GLOW, INCH
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