Hijabs will be allowed to be worn by guests but not by the French team. #Olympics #Shorts #BBCNews




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  1. Vive la laïcité vive la France 🇫🇷 !

  2. France has some self respect, Hijab is a disgrace

  3. This is so unfair!!

  4. Religion has no place in sport.

  5. When Islamic countries stop forcing women to wear hijab, then we can let people wear it

  6. France’s Hijab Ban is the right thing to do

  7. The government controlling what women wear is wrong everywhere, whether it is in Iran, in Afghanistan or in France

  8. Religion of extremists

  9. I would love to see an influencer that can encourages or teach individual. Unfortunately for majority of us we are in systematic delusion.


  11. Well done , don t allow these guys to turn out countries into Middle East. They clearely hate us and our ways of living so we should send them lot back to their own countries

  12. why would the olympic allow the symbol of terrorism supremacy in their event?

  13. This is a joke. Sports teach us respect, and acceptance. One should be able to respect others differences in religion as well. Wearing a hijab should not interfere with other's ability to play. If it does, that person shouldn't be allowed to play. Acceptance and respect is the core of sportsmanship. Secularism shouldn't be a joke or meaningless.

  14. Well done France

  15. French football team should ban Muslim prayers for consistency. Then they will drop down the leagues to the bottom 😂

  16. why don't they just stay out of athleticism?. Islam doesn't allow its women to participate in certain male-like activities.

  17. Perfectly done France.

  18. Anyone else hate the London rudeboi accent? 😂😂

  19. Wokey cokey

  20. Muslims are evil

  21. Well French are known for their inhumanity, racism hypocrisy and despices minorities and people of color….

  22. Muslim female French athletes discriminated by French public. It is official.
    French public are sexist and islamophobic.

  23. Ban the french from playing

  24. Why is this news? It’s religious bating again. Funny how they defend the hijab. But then call it mental health when a man screaming allah uhakbar. Stabs a person to death!

  25. Please stop this madness with these hijabs. Integrate or leave

  26. nun s are wearing hijab,,,Is it Religious. ?

  27. Strange how the French colonised countries with hijab wearing communities but forbid it 😮

  28. Good 👍 a step forward for women in sports 👏 hijjab should be banned worldwide

  29. Human rights are lacking, civil rights are lacking! This has led to the Chinese people being forced to remain silent!

  30. Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas. Pure evil, death and destruction…..


  31. Their men punish the women by making women wear mumu's head to foot because the "men' are weak useless jokes who cannot control themselves. Better the "men" dress in 6 yards of fabric head to foot, and why not add buttons and zippers to secure it too, and spare the women. Get excited about not excaping THAT, " men".

  32. Stop imposing imposing muslim customs in the west.
    West had his dose of fanatism with his own religion, can’t go back to the middle ages due to a minority of muslim arrogantly imposing their views.

  33. Spot on france

  34. Wearing a heebie-jeebie is not freedom. The men tell them to wear it.

  35. Whilst I dislike hijab, Islam and religion in general, such secularist extremism violates personal autonomy and is counterproductive. Not British!

  36. The French government should be ashamed of themselves not giving French women the freedom to wear what they like

  37. BBC : stiring SH*t… My turn : What about the Rwanda bill ?

  38. Beware the Slippery Slope; Islam has shown itself to not be compatible with the free world. Hijab is an insult to all the women of the free world because we fought for equality. Sorry I have zero empathy for the religion it is not compatible with my freedoms and I should not be seeing it in my free world because it is a constant reminder that many women are still fighting for their equality in the Muslim world. Let’s stop pretending and defending the indefensible in this day and age!

  39. The rule only applies if they want to dress half nude, Muslim women aren’t considered women by the west, we don’t fit into the west’s’ norms apparently

  40. France keeps its religious persecution as always. Their religion is the State. And their only god money.

  41. Bonkers Frenchers

  42. Theres so much outcry for religion but LGBT folk never get this level of defense

    Therefore i welcome it, a bit of karma for restricting the lives of the LGBT community for generations

  43. Hijabs are fuckin weird

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