Aamir Khan’s wife, Kiran Rao, recently opened up about her concerns regarding the impact of social media on their 13-year-old son, Azad. She referred to it as a ‘slippery slope for any parent.’
In a conversation with Filmfare, Kiran Rao shared her thoughts on her son Azad’s interaction with social media. She mentioned that although Azad, now 13, isn’t active on social media yet, he spends time on YouTube and plays multiplayer games, engaging with others online. Kiran expressed concern about the potential risks parents face with kids navigating the online world.
Kiran also expressed her concerns about the impact of online behavior on young minds, noting how traditional communication methods, like reading, are fading away. “I’m worried not just about the dangers of online behaviour and how they can influence the mind but also that certain traditional ways of communication have just gone,” she said.
She mentioned her hope for from-crowd-poses-with-older-junaid-khan-in-video-1365711″ onclick=”triggerArticleInterlinkClick(‘article_interlink_click’,’Kiran Rao fears negative impact of social media on son Azad; calls it a ‘slippery slope for any parent’’,’1367226′,’https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/news/aamir-khan-takes-lead-like-responsible-father-as-he-escorts-younger-son-azad-from-crowd-poses-with-older-junaid-khan-in-video-1365711′,’articlepage’,’/entertainment/news/kiran-rao-fears-negative-impact-of-social-media-on-son-azad-calls-it-a-slippery-slope-for-any-parent-1367226′,’Azad’,’Body_Hyperlink’,’entertainment’,’news’);”>Azad to learn to read and write, as he’s generally been a well-behaved child. However, she admitted that navigating the online world is a tricky situation for any parent, as it’s difficult to completely say no to it. She said, “This is a slippery slope for any parent because you can’t say no entirely.”
Kiran Rao highlighted how online games and social media have become increasingly addictive for children, evolving into a new way of communicating. She stressed the need for parents to regulate their child’s social media habits, ensuring they also engage in offline activities like reading and playing traditional games.
The filmmaker further pointed out that social media, particularly Instagram, has negatively impacted adults’ emotional well-being due to the constant flow of content across various genres. She explained how users can easily spend hours on the platform, getting caught in the cycle of doomscrolling.
When asked about Azad’s interest in Bollywood, Kiran shared that her son isn’t quite interested yet. She revealed that Azad had recently spent time with Aamir Khan, accompanying him to film narrations and editing sessions. Kiran expressed hope that Azad will eventually develop an interest in the filmmaking world.
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"Surely the limit on immunity must be when a president acts against the ..."
"The US is teetering on the brink of Fascism. The right-wing of SCOTUS ..."
"To grope with immunity. "
"If Trump doesn't have immunity. Then neither does JB. Remember JB's miss use ..."
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"1989 Lethal Weapon 2 ''Diplomatic Immunity'' TRUMP GIBSON "
"Trump is no longer President! "
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"It absolutely is to do with Trump. Even Nixon had the decency to ..."
"there is no equal to bbc "
"The Supreme Court is broken. "
""Our former colonies are in a mess!" I know you didn't say ..."
"we can assume that the supreme court has the brains that that Trump ..."
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