Meryl Streep: ‘A squirrel has more rights than a girl in Afghanistan’


Meryl Streep addressed the UN General Assembly about how women’s rights have deteriorated under Taliban rule in Afghanistan.

“A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not, and a woman may not in public. This is extraordinary.”

Since it returned to power in 2021, the Taliban has closed secondary schools for girls, banned women from attending university and working at NGOs, restricted their travel without a male chaperone, and banned them from public spaces such as parks and gyms. Last month, the hardline Islamist rulers brought in new vice and virtue laws, which include rules against women singing in public.



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  1. La situation n'en demeure pas moins dans le reste des pays musulmans. L'espace public est de plus en plus confisqué aux femmes. Et celles qui osent s'y aventurer surtout le soir sont automatiquement taxées de mœurs légères. La misogynie atteint des degrés effrayants

  2. Look at the US helping Israel Kill all this poor Girls. We have to stop fundi this guys for sure….

  3. It's far beyond odd. It's blind rage and hatred towards all women and girls. What can we do?

  4. It’s a detailed religion and political system.

  5. It’s their culture. That type of Islam wants to rule all muslims and eventually the world.

  6. In February of 2020, Trump released 5,000 members of the Taliban from prison. He also invited them to Camp David right before the anniversary of 9/11. They now have regained power in Afghanistan. This is the person chosen to hold the position in the people's house. Pathetic

  7. Woman, how did your god Harvey Weinstein treat women? Just get lost, no one listens to you Hollywood people.

  8. Woman, didn’t you say Harvey Weinstein is your god? Typical Hollywood trash.

  9. And now the US wants to do the same to women here. Why? Because 50% of women here voted for it. Now this is really odd

  10. Thank you Meryl❤

  11. A great woman and actress. God bless.

  12. Can Meryl just be in charge now please? I’m exhausted.

  13. Meryl, you are the Goat. I appreciate you speaking out about the terrible awful sick way women are treated. I'm so tired of Men f**king over women. Why don't Countries stick up for woman's rights? It's not like the Country needs women to produce offspring for future workers or future members of the army. WTF

  14. Wenn der Allmächtige gewollt hätte, daß Frauen verschleiert herum laufen, hätte er ihnen einen angewachsen Schleier mit gegeben.
    Das Kopftuch schützt in der Wüste vor zuviel Sand in den Haaren. Das ist alles. Der Rest ist männliches Machtgehabe und Unterdrückung.

  15. Joel Webben is trying to influence men in power to implement the Christian version here in the US. Please tell me that can't happen, because women in these countries once thought the same

  16. Thank you Meryl keep up the fight. Where are the protestirs on this one.

  17. And in America under the Trump administration…

  18. Give trump enough time and that's what will happen in the US.

  19. Love you Meryl. Class act using her voice to advocate for others.

  20. Why not use your fame and money to help people in your own country who are suffering, the homeless, the sick, the disabled? That seems odd, too. Go chase a squirrel, Meryl.

  21. Democrats embrace Muslims and sharia law!😂

  22. Thank you Meryl…unfortunately these women haters in America are forcing this on us. That's giving thanks to women who have served, taken care of, gave children, paid taxes and so many other things. Evidentally the idea of them having their planet Meroni, called Earth. But even Mitt Romney can't stand Trump

  23. What a wonderful human

  24. Has she nothing to say for the women of Gaza

  25. The thing I will NEVER understand is, where do they COME FROM??????

  26. I've always loved her, and now I know why.

  27. A cat's face is covered in furr. No difference. So what is the point?

  28. I get the message and I agree…but god d@mn this woman has been acting for far too long this whole thing feels forced and staged and like she’s just reading for a character…it’s time to retire girl…rejoin the human race.

  29. You defend the rights of women to act in public, but why don't you defend the right of women and children NOT TO BE KILLED BY AMERICAN BOMBS IN GAZA? The RIGHT to live IN PEACE IN PALESTINE, THEIR LAND?!?!?

  30. The only way is to pick up the control in Afghanisthan again.

  31. that's because misogyny, or hatred of women, is a mental illness among men.

  32. Should never allow the males from that country to leave their land.period.

  33. TRUMP is trying to do that here.

  34. Please Meryl Streep, speak out on what your government is doing to women and girls in Palestine

  35. While this commendable, for the love of God Meryl Streep please use your fame to speak out for the genocide and torture of women and girls your government, and your Zionist industry is committing in Palestinian.
    You have enough money and resources to take that risk. Your voice would be heard in a country that listens to blonde celebrities. Please !!!!!!

  36. Adorable smart noble Lady! Thanks for your thoughts! ❤

  37. This is not up to you, is their business. Go back to act

  38. What about US bombs bombing women and children in Gaza? What does that say about our regard for human rights?

  39. israHELL & co

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