Polling shows close presidential race ahead of debate


538 political podcast host Galen Druke joins the show to discuss the polling numbers showing that Vice President Kamala Harris has a slight lead over former President Donald Trump.

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  1. Trump's now winning. Is the change due to her lying about being black?

  2. Exactly so why does everyone keep talking about national polls. Stop it already. Stop wasting time even saying anything about national polls.

  3. ABC how can anyone trust you after you being biased during the debate! We know that Kamala sister works for abc and many of her friends.


  5. ABC is unreliable

  6. All polls are rigged.

  7. The fake TV of the century!

  8. You discussing, lying, dishonest so called news agency CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, the communist community of their so called news remain at the bottom of $hit hole.

  9. breaking nuews once again trump pols tnaking and a nother maga seems to shoot at him ( coinciendne hmmm)

  10. No one believes you!!!

  11. More BS from ABC!

  12. ABC is known for their unbiased fair reporting. They didn't fact check Kamala because she never lies….we can all trust everything ABC says. 😒😒

  13. Say It Ain't So Joe and repeat a 2016 Donald Trump elected president

  14. The onlyway thi s incompetent terd!!could finish with illegal votes..Americans can't stand her..Voting for trash because it is black is STUPID!!VOTE FOR GOOD OF THE COUNTRY..

  15. To everyone Lib that watches, fkr the love of God think of the future of everything. Want nice shiny things, vote for Trump. Want low grade, no good garbage, then go ahead and vote for Kamala. But besides the joke, vote for Trump please. As someone whos gknna have kid soon. I want my kid to grow up in a stable environment for the remainder of their lives. I dont want them to experience pain and struggle like j have for the past 4 years

  16. 4 More yrs of Kamala you will be eating your own cat's and dog's you will be so poor.

  17. I noticed that so many foreigners are trying to manipulate us to vote for who they want. Make sure the people you discuss our politics with actually live in our nation because foreigners don’t love our nation the way we do. Most of them want to see us die and rot… so keep that in mind.

  18. Not one positive comment in this comment section. I love it. Keep waking up people. TRUMP2024

  19. How can any American vote for Kamala! Look at what this administration has created inflation, not stopping the war letting migrants in our country. Look what’s happening all around our country people these migrants are killing, trafficking children & women, drugs. Do we want this to continue? NO! I don’t care if you don’t like Trump it’s about saving the American people from this madness. He is the only one who can save our country. Vote Trump

  20. I cant believe half the country is voting for that inept woman. We need Trump back in office.

  21. Its not even close! Lmao. Trump by a LANDSLIDE

  22. Vote blue because we live among a lot of crazies

  23. don’t multiply her percentage by 10😅

  24. ABC News, you are a lousy news organization. Whatever happened to journalistic objectivity and integrity? I’m done with you, ABC NEWS!! Zero respect and I will never watch anything again on ABC. David Muir and Linsey were AWFUL. Shame on you both.

  25. this has 678 dislikes. there's a poll for you😂

  26. Harris talked more about Trump in the presidential debate then she did about herself. I believe she is indorsing Donald J. Trump for president?

  27. David Muir won the presidential debate. Trump was in second place, and Harris came in last place!

  28. Lieslieslieslieslies

  29. ABC you are as bad as Kamala Harris, nothing by a liar and a cheater. I would be ashamed if I were you. Unbelievable disgrace. You don’t even apologize or talk about it, because you know you were wrong. Not only did you give Kamala the questions before hand but you deliberately attached President Trump, 3 against 1. You set him up just like the evil dishonest democrats, I hope and pray he sues you.

  30. ABC you have shown you are biased and have soul your soul to the communist party

  31. Dem are going to cheat!

  32. Harris' sorority sister was on air trying to link Trump to white nationalists before the debate, then she moderated it. No fact checks for Harris' previously debunked claims while Trump was challenged like 7 times. And now their saying she had the questions ahead of time, but still couldn't give a straight answer. ABC is dirty for that.

  33. No it's not this should be fact checked our state Donald Trump is winning and then you go on CNN they tell us that she's winning you cannot go by what these people say with the percent of who's winning and who's not because the hype it up to be something that it ain't

  34. Look at all these comments 1000s for trump and your gonna tell us the polls are the way they are.No way theres no way abc is done you guys are a joke

  35. I took ABC of my list. disgusted by the way they did the debate.

  36. Trump WON the Corrupt debate. Your typical Propaganda Fake News Media. Impeach both Braindead Brandon and Coyote Kamala Promote their incompetent Lives lost in Afghanistan and Cartels drugs trafficking and Women and Children being Kidnapped, Beaten, Raped and Murdered. So… Inhumanity. So….Sad.

  37. Pinocchio award goes to Kamala and her abc bodyguards 😅

  38. This debate was bias. Shocking? Not exactly 😂

  39. How many dirty mediators and selected candidates does it take to beat Trump. 😂

  40. Snowball y Fluffy son muy deliciosos. Mmmmm! Aqui kitty, kitty

  41. Why do we still listen to polls. Especially from biased news networks. Apparently these people didn't learn a lesson from 2016 and 2020. Republicans don't like answering polls. That's why the voter turnout for Republicans is usually so shocking to Democrats on election Day. Secondly there's two things working against Harris right now. A large number of democrat voters that regret voting for Joe Biden who see her as just more of the same. Secondly this woman was never voted to the top of the democratic ticket by Democratic voters. She stole it. And in 2020 she didn't get any votes. Not one delegate wanted this woman on the ticket. Poor voter turn out for the Democrats versus shocking voter turnout for the Republicans is what's going to decide this race. Not poll numbers. It happened in 2016 and Democrats were blindsided by it. Kamala is way worse than Hillary ever was.

  42. I’m curious to know how everybody following Harris is getting so happy about the democrats having a plan to fix the problens they created!!😂😂..It’s laughable Trump 2024❤

  43. Polls have been wrong before !!! Have they not

  44. 538 is not accurate 😂

  45. Use credible sources as to what Trump did specifically for us (the wall was an epic fail) NOT based on Fox News, which was fined millions because they are pundits only. Americans have short term memory. It is fascinating to me that if she wins a debate, it is because she gets questions in advance or has an earpiece. He can tell lie after lie and people will still vote for him. He is a person you would not trust with your wallet and certainly not with your daughter. Trump is going to be 82 in four years, and he is already unable to keep his train of thought, has no specifics, just uses ad hominem arguments. Priceless.

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