‘The interest of justice was not served’: Attorney weighs in on Marcellus Williams execution


55-year-old Marcellus Williams, whose murder conviction was questioned by a prosecutor, died by lethal injection Tuesday evening in Missouri. Wesley Bell, a Missouri prosecuting attorney running for Congress, reacts. #CNN #News



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  1. White Americans 😢😢😢

  2. Dude was guilty, justice was served. People were put under political pressure to come out and ask for another look for the umpteenth time because of the political climate. That is all. He is gone too late in my opinion. Our tax dollars paid for him to live decades too long.

  3. The real criminals are the people behind cases like this,that don't care about anything except getting rid of people,and in most circumstances because he is not like me white race,they don't care about other races ,and never have,but we are all one race we are the human race,and should get all the same rights as anyone else.I believe justice was not served,had he had money he would get off in a heartbeat,very sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and makes me really upset

  4. I do not know anything about this. I have never seen this. So I have to see the facts. It's barbaric to even say anything about his feet, head or chest moved after he was killed 😢. This is a phenomenal lawyer. I just seen a tweet that has so much support from all people about his innocence.

  5. Welcome to the land of free😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. They killed him so he won't be able to sue them and also because he became Muslim Western fake democracy and human rights

  7. If he didn't do it, how did he have the dead woman's belongings in his apartment?

  8. this guy was guilty as hell

  9. "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
    Yet, so many have to prove they're INNOCENCE more than ever nowadays, rather than the state/prosecutor actually proving GUILT…
    Just another example of our judicial system failing us

  10. Come on people, we are better than to let a short video form our opinion. I implore people to do their own research about the facts surrounding this case. There are court documents, courtroom transcripts, examination of witnesses, discovery, etc. available from both the prosecution and the defense of this case. It is as non bias a source as possible surrounding this case. From there people can draw their own conclusions on wether this man was innocent or guilty. Whatever conclusion you come back with is perfectly acceptable as long as the research was done and thought was put into it. But to draw conclusions and form opinions from a heavily biased, seven minute clip is so irresponsible and frankly lazy. I see some of these inane comments and i think we have to be better than that. I am very left wing in my thought, but this clip is disturbing. This attorney says they need a few months to vet his possible innocence…it is the host’s responsibility to then ask, well what have they been doing the last 20 plus years? The attorney may respond there is brand new evidence not vetted. That might be legitimate, but you at least have to ask the question. If not, this a propaganda piece that susceptible people will take as credible journalism. We have to be better and hold our news/journalism sources to a higher more ethical standard. It’s not just CNN. FOX is equally as bad in this department. But we have to be better than this. To let partisanship dictate our opinions about non-partisan topics is the height of folly. Do the research, draw your own conclusions, and think independently about your conclusions. Whether you are left or right should not obfuscate the facts surrounding this case. We need to be willing to break party narratives if we disagree on certain things. We also need to be able to handle disagreement civilly, and have the ability, if need be, to admit when we are wrong. But we need to have more fortitude than to let a clip like this tell professionals who have spent decades working on this case that they were wrong, especially when the majority of the people have only spent 5 minutes on it

  11. Oh ffs. This career criminal admitted to his crime. Save your tears for the life that was ended at the hands of this brute CNN.

  12. Allah will punish all that why we are suffering, animals

  13. His life should have been spared if the family of injured/killed wanted that way. Heck, the state killed this guy—-this is MURDER.

  14. There was a shadow of doubt???

  15. It is mentioned that he admitted selling computer of husband of the murdered lady to someone?? If so, he was guilty??

  16. Missouri racist I know a lot of wealthy white folks out there with power that done some stuff you wouldn’t even believe

  17. Our Allah is watching that person will stand with him on the day of judgement and people think that there's no accountability on the of judgement. May the almighty Allah grant him jaanah and forgive his shortcomings. Aameen

  18. I don't think dude was innocent

  19. He was black and a Muslim – that’s why they didn’t care if he was innocent or not .

  20. Those whyte people up there talking about how his feet was wiggling are disgusting. smh they wanted to kill him this still hurt my heart. R.I.P. Mr. Williams ❤❤ may your soul forever fly high.

  21. Cnn is the devil

  22. What a barbaric country ..
    Amerika is teroris

  23. After almost 20 years of handling this case and his innocence was still questioned? The defense attorneys failed him long ago. The victim's family deserved justice for the loss of the one that they loved also. Too little, too late!

  24. No DNA on knife no evidence just because he was a neighbour who is black and muslim.shame to the so prefects of "justice".

  25. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون ربي يرحمو ويغفرلو ويوسع عليها يارب
    My Allah have mercy on his soul

  26. He was black and muslum, bet they wouldn't have done this if he was a white man.

  27. May Allah grant him the most beautiful place in Jannah

  28. All this individuals complaining seem so many, why couldn't they, injustice taking place.

  29. He loks guilty

  30. Whats the surprise? You guys killed an innocent 14 yo boy cz he was black. Remember?

  31. O Allah, forgive him, raise his rank among those who are guided, and take care of those he leaves behind him. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds; expand his grave for him and illuminate it for him.

  32. We are writing 2024! How sick is the US 🤢

  33. It's giving prison break

  34. Where is god ..is there really one 😮😮😮

  35. This is racist decision

  36. Allah y rahmou

  37. This news media platform is a freaking joke‼️. They will twist the narrative and cater to all the delusional people who don’t want selective killers to face CONSEQUENCES!! Disgusting 🤮

  38. I feel sorry for the black people in the US ,look at the guy who kill George Floyd, did they kill him, hypocrite shame on them all

  39. Who in the hell is nosy enough to want to know what his body did right before he passed away "y'all" are sick and you know who tf I'm talking about

  40. You just killed the body, can’t touch his soul, his soul returns back to God our creator

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