US says China needs to address issue of its support for Russia. #Shorts #US #China




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  1. Why don't u address ur support to israel


  3. I think we should Just.get this over with .all the wars .& all the supplying.of over sea weapons .there is to mutch .going on .Now & .its Over Time. Over due. the Big 0ne

  4. China is Running with Hare and Barking with the Hounds,,, NATO is defending an invasion,China is supporting the invasion of Ukraine!! China's GDP peaked in 2019 and has slowly declined since. Secondary Sanctions against Chinese Banks ,Chinese Companies supplying Weapons Components and Chinese and foreign individuals individuals will accelerate the Chinese economic slide!! Good Luck

  5. Just change russia for usa and ukrain for israel

  6. The world must recognize the Palestinians’ right to life and their right to establish an independent state with all its institutions, like all other peoples of the world. What happened with Hamas is the result of years of oppression, injustice, and restrictions on the lives of the Palestinians, and not as Israel portrays to the world, that they are aggressors. The Palestinians have always demanded this right in a peaceful manner. The world did not respond to them, so how could there be a way to life and freedom without what happened?
    What happened revealed that everything that human rights organizations are calling for in terms of freedom of thought and expression is nothing but slogans, and that the world does not see anything except through the eyes of Israel. If you see that what is happening from Hamas is terrorism, then you must admit that it is you who created this terrorism by depriving them of the right to life like the rest of the people of the world. You must acknowledge this truth before the world so that the world can live in peace if you want peace

  7. @All, don't declare anything just yet that might implicate an alliance given Putins cause. Xi never said he is helping him in his cause.

    Remember, the headline in this video itself is an assumption being made no different than the opinions here being based on its declarations as an assumption as well.

    Until there is evidence (iv), you only have the results of its test of the theory in the form of this assumption.

    And assumption is the mother of all conspiracies.

    Further, it's test of the theory is the game of identity assumption as that method of approach with regard to these sides when it comes to this cause.

    And despite Blinkens cause with Russia and Ukraine, it's really Zelenskyys and Putins cause and he knows it as he too is forced to sit back and watch it unfold knowing he can't cross that line given Putins response and the consequence if he does.***

    And it goes back to Kirbys declarations in the beginning about that line they agreed they wouldn't cross as long as Putin does not cross into NATO territory as well.

    SIM analysis:

    Keep in mind that the focus should be kept on the leads given the active players themselves as well as the subscribers following their leads. And unfortunately, until Z's lead is followed by his authority given the cause of feb 2022 with regard to the realignment of the axis..AGAIN REPEAT..A REALIGNMENT OF THE PLACEHOLDER POSITION GIVEN THE AXIS and who stands to be that lead (either P or Z) because the truth given this cause since the events of feb 2022, the rest stand to shift as well depending upon outcome between them. THINK ABOUT IT!!!

    Further given the condition at play, and the lead that stands to benefit from its condition its best to switch to the alternate condition and that will takes breaking Ps rules and following Zs by condition*

    Finally, keep in mind that player 2 cause 2 is also currently forced to play by his opponents rules, and despite beating them at their own game, the contagion ** (despite being close to achieving his objective by similar condition) is swapping out his achievement of the objective in favor of his opponents considering the sum by score based on losses. THINK ABOUT IT.

    [* The games-reality condition with regard to players with a cause in the game of identity assumption. Where with the G factor, you have the 8 factors as masked by the bluffs as well as the illusivity factors. And its with this condition P leads. And he has more than a majority factor of those despite their efforts, will aid and abed his lead as higher scorer over Z. (Given Zs adoption of the R factor. And the only one as lead to do so that has strategically put P into 2nd place. Aid or not. HIS LEAD MUST BE FOLLOWED GIVEN THIS CAUSE. THIS IS WHERE THE NEOCONS BETTER TRANSPLANT THEIR LIPS BECAUSE OF IT, BECAUSE IF THEY HAD ANOTHER PLAYER IN MIND WITH THOSE LIPS, IT WILL FALL ON PS BUTTOCKS IF THEY FAIL TO BREAK HIS RULES FOR ZS. ;)]

    [** The game of identity assumption with regard to players with a cause by win-lose factors (rather than by right-wrong factors)]

  8. You are two headed snake.

  9. Hes got some balls. Ill give him that 😂 A new bar for hypocrisy has been set..

  10. Who told the west tht it has the powers to dictate for the entire world,,,EU en us invaded Iraq,Syria,Yemen and now Israel using the weapons to massacre hundreds of innocent civilians in Gaza but still thinks it had the moral authority to talk about Russia

  11. He found someone else to blame. He should look at a mirror.


  13. Hypocrisy on his face!

  14. This guy has aged 35+years since taking this post under the brain dead Biden admin… guess someone needed to bear the weight of the whole failure of the corrupt administration.

  15. Russia and Ukraine could of lived in peace if it wasn't for usa interference…

  16. God china 천상천문열차 ㅡ차이나 조성된 것을 한국이 복사해오고 그것을 일본에서 발견이 된 한국것이요.한국은 중국에서복제해왔자.이것이 천상천문열차이다.운하철도 999이다.9숫자는 신 농씨 숫자이다

    ㅡ9 X 9= 81천부경전의 우주설계도가 성강가로 부터 잉태한 것이다ㅡ진주강가 ㅡ옥문화 ㅡ옥황상제ㅡ옥경이 ㅡ신교문화뿌리 ㅡ홍산문화 ㅡ옥문화 ㅡ3계단 제천단이다 ㅡ하늘에 제사문화 ㅡ경천애인사상 ㅡ홍 익인간 ㅡ동방예의지국은 남방자예로서 염제신농씨가 동방예의지국의 철학적 뿌리가된다ㅡ강가로 백개의 성씨가 백성 이요.그백성 이 세운제국은 백제는 백여개의 제후귝 가의 뿌리원손이다ㅡ특히나 패러시아ㅡ낫 시리아제국은 중동 이요.중동제국의뿌리가 신 농씨의 10명의 자녀들이세운나라이다.이들은 아직도왕도정치을 규현히오며.백제가 중동교역하여 대제국의 뿌리도 바로 진주강가가 신교문화 창세기 뿌리역사이다 ㅡ

    ㅡ강증산(무극대도) 신농씨(태극지도) 강태공(신교문화) 강주효(삼태극지도.천인합일사상)의 동상3개을 제작하시요

  17. US is doing the same in the Middle East. US is no difficult and in my view worse. The world has seen the true face of US 😮

  18. Ok , but if that's happened to you , how you feeling , 40 million Ukrainians people no respect , day don't have dignity , how day filled crashed , no that is rong what this rashens are doing , ok to no one not happen no ok thanks

  19. …..lmfao 🤡🤣

  20. This vile human is the most shameless and morally bankrupt person on earth

  21. Why do usa support Ukraine and Israel

  22. fueling Ukraine is your problem

  23. This idiot has lost all credibility. One of the worst political figures to be spawned . Totally evil little shit. He was one of those that involved in orchestrating the war in Ukraine.

  24. Your a fool…..the Chinese could give a crap what you think …why don't you ask them why they released a bioweapon on the world…..they want us Dead…. their evil

  25. The united states needs to shut its terrorist mouth until it stops, supporting israel

  26. Go fuck yourselves u hypocrites

  27. Why should they exactly??? Stop supporting zionists maybe practice what ye preach ???

  28. FUXKING HYPOCRISY exemplified!! How shameless!!

  29. He reiterated the concern. 😂😂

  30. That's what USA 🇺🇸 has produced the last 60 years crybabies like Blinken. What an hypocrite? He has zero shame.He thinks we are stupid.

  31. China and russia have the right to defend itself, your hypocrisy and complictity over gaza genocide is clear. A BIIIG FUUUUUCK YOUUUU

  32. We are just so sick of hearing the same shit about China. Why can’t US politicians simply survive without criticizing China? Do some meaningful things for your own people and make this planet a better place for everyone

  33. " as I told many times in past ,culture of us is blend of various essence, depends upon destiny what kinds of essence have to be smelt "

  34. Bile ….or the most foul kind. YOU want War !! You broke the Minsk agreements. 😡

  35. Ferries bound for Britain are stopped…
    When will UK money to Israel stop?

  36. Ferries bound for Britain are stopped…
    When will UK money to Israel stop?

  37. Boats are stopped…
    When will stop out britain money to israel…

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