Watch the movie that rewrites itself | BBC News


Filmmaker Gary Hustwit has created a documentary which can rewrite itself before every screening.

So, how does the technology work?

This video is from BBC Click, the BBC’s flagship technology programme.

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  1. they invented a time wasting machine
    a "bandersnatch" if you will

  2. An astonishing concept. Plato would have appraised this.

  3. The Terminator franchise

  4. The more I see "creatives" surrender to algorithms and generation, the more I start to think "maybe all art is basically disposable garbage". I get that they are trying to emulate Eno's approach, but it is also opening doors and giving passes to other projects and studios to use this method, if the masses just accept it complacently. Rolling dice digitally isn't making art, just pasting together pretty stuff and noise without a heart or soul. Maybe that's all the public really wants.

  5. One good version is enough. Stupid lazy idea. I wouldn't watch AI generated crap, that's not art to me

  6. Yeah, tv and film never changes.

    Strawman, strawman.

  7. AI is just like a random generator. It’s gonna get boring as a concept pretty quickly.

  8. I wonder what the algorithm is? Obviously not completely random. But contained to a particular topic

  9. it's a called a story you dumbasss lol if you keep changing your story that makes you a lair. There are movies that change ending and how they play all the time, they're called VIDEO GAMES LOL. what a morrron

  10. People are so narrow minded about AI art in these comments and generally on the internet. Generative AI will completely change most art we consume and we will like it. The huge scepticisim about AI and AI art right now is just the natural human tendency to hate new things

  11. Why would people act on reviews and recommendations if they could not be sure they would get exactly what the reviewer saw?

  12. Remember when the whole family used to get together at a certain time to watch the same program together? That's pretty much gone now, and this idea even further divides the viewers. I guess it's interesting as a concept but I don't think it's a viable distribution method for 99.9% of media which heavily relies on word-of-mouth.

  13. Filmmakers: films can be automatically generated!
    ChatGPT: great let’s do it let’s do it!

  14. There’s more fun to be had with DEgenerate artists.

  15. Urder the BBC … Mmm

  16. interesting

  17. Hmm men plant trees they know they wont sit under. This, well, this is a kind of hell of an algorithm.

  18. Ambitious, but in the end rubbish. It's basically a film version of the idents ITV2 used to have back a few years ago.

  19. I could see movie studios going for something like this combined with A/B-testing to "optimize" a movie (make it more enjoyable over time for the average viewer) over time and to encourage rewatching – at least with with Big Dumb Action Movies.

  20. I’m an AI consultant for film and I can tell you this is AI. They can use the word generative and say that this isn’t AI but it’s the very definition of how AI works and how creatives collaborate with AI. I love how they’re using the word generative to make it seem like this isn’t AI because Hollywood has demonized it so much. But don’t be fooled this is exactly how AI works. In fact it’s called generative AI. You give an algorithm a bunch of data and instructions and tell it to go nuts. There’s more to it, but this is just so blatantly AI it’s hilarious.

  21. My movie town from 1944 is better. 🎥🎥🎥

  22. reporter couldn't shave or brush hair first? slob

  23. In the early days of silent movies, there were many different versions of the same film in circulation. So it's not true to say that films were fixed and never changed. Even with the first talkies, there was this habit of shooting the same film in different languages. For example, Laurel & Hardy who couldn't speak any languages and had to learn everything phonetically. So people didn't watch the same films.

  24. I don’t think the whole film has as much meaning to it as much weight as much artistic to it if the film isn’t the same for everyone else

  25. Simply awesome

  26. bbc, it is using ai to copy ideas from old movies and showing "new" movie

  27. I / do / not / exist.

  28. random pass is not a new concept. throwing it into film at this stage of the game is just bandwaggoning the public interest and misunderstanding of our current level of 'AI' development. Making a youtube video about it and not outlining the misconceptions and generalisation is crass.

  29. Hard pass

  30. Can we like stop making videos and just start living our lives

  31. Wouldn’t we want to all see the same thing so there can be discussions about it without everyone having different experiences?

  32. click bait. It's not a film.


  34. What the name of this movie?

  35. The director had one to many shrooms

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