No, Haitian immigrants are not eating stolen pets in Springfield, Ohio • FRANCE 24 English


During Tuesday’s televised debate, former president Donald Trump claimed that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating stolen pet cats and dogs – viral claims amplified by his running mate JD Vance on social media. We debunk these claims in this edition of Truth or Fake.
#haiti #donaldtrump #jdvance

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  1. Huh, definitely didn’t know that the voodoo monkeys had it in ‘em to do this. Oh well, guess it makes my unprovoked… ‘antics’ worth it.

  2. Clearly not a credible source. Bias entertainment news right here

  3. Anyway, I live in France and the mainstream media is mostly anti Trump. They are dishonest when "reporting" the news

  4. Her name is Allexis T. Ferrell. She's not even Haitian. But a mentally ill woman who needs mental help.

  5. My friend from Haitian are not eating eating dogs and dogs.
    She did it because they give her money to do it.

  6. Yes they are i have video

  7. YouTube this:
    Pet owners in Springfield on edge after multiple family cats disappear, including 2 later found..

    Local news tells the story with video of people eating pets aka real news

  8. You’re bad at news

  9. There are police videos but it's false lmao

  10. Yes they are

  11. Shhhhh…. it happens and they don’t want to talk about it because it hurts illegal immigrants feelings.

  12. Yes they are. Haitians eat cats like it's chicken

  13. There really are vulgar videos of Haitians doing terrible things to dogs and cats!!!

  14. Hell if they arent, there are pictures and vid of them doing it,lying media again

  15. Fricken liars, trumps not lying, you are, dumbassed leftys

  16. Watch that see if it is true

  17. And just like that. Four weeks turns another conspiracy theory into a fact.

  18. If gaslighting was a video…

  19. They are. This is left-wing propaganda. As per usual

  20. there is multiple cases about people eating dogs and cats

  21. Ohio's DNR received multiple reports of stolen animals in the months preceding the debate. The facts don't fit the liberal narrative that all immigrants are peaceful and law-abiding. Reports were filed with DNR before this became a spotlight moment.

    Remember when cnn said repeatedly reported that the vaxxine was safe or that Biden had no mental decline? Yeah, here we go again. It happened. It's still happening. Yet cnn tells us it can't be because it surrender fit a narrative…. SOVIET STYLE OF NEWS MANAGEMENT once called PRAVDA.

  22. The fact the media can just lie to our face and gaslight us without consequences is scary.

  23. I am french and i can say this to you:
    don't trust this channel.Not-one-word
    The public french media is plagued by macron's minions

  24. Real reports say its true

  25. Democrat news 🤥

  26. Yes they are quit lying

  27. Hey france why don't you take the Haitians into your country and see if it's true. After all the main reason there's a Haiti to begin with is because the French brought them over from Africa.

  28. Yes they are, and now the man who originally made the 911 call got a FOIA and publicly released the 911 call.

  29. The woman told me she wanted to eat my dog. I did not let my dog back outside. They are eating the damn pets stop acting like Trump is crazy. At least he is telling the truth and some of us know the truth they are eating our pets.

  30. This lady sucked her way to her position. Cumala and hrr brainwashed supporters will agree.

    I want the anchor's only fans. She has to have one.

  31. They do it Haiti! So they are probably eating animals here! It’s a common activity in some countries!😊

  32. Notice how the reporter skims over the 20,000 Haitians arrival "legally" under some vague idea of escaping an unsafe country!
    The criminals in Biden white house are stuffing tens of millions of these people across the US under some illegal executive but unconstitutional order and delivering them by cover of darkness with the help of local leftist Democrat political leaders.

  33. Winter is coming! No fact checking of Harris!!

  34. Fact Check: no, Haitians are NOT from Haiti. They don't eat anything and AI says so, so shut up about it or go to jail.

  35. Weird I did a search on news stories involving this very topic and found plenty that suggest otherwise.

  36. If I recall correctly Donald trump says illegal immigrants.

  37. France, the country that let drag queens parade around demeaning Christianity to the entire world during the olympic opening ceremony… wants to fact check a small town in middle america. Get lost.

  38. Haitians do eat dogs and cats in their own country why wouldnt they do the same here. Springfield officials dont want a black eye so they are hiding Haitian wrong doings

  39. They want to discredit trump so bad. But people do your own research and you will see this is happening.

  40. Lie! Lies! F.U!!!

  41. Yeah I bet lol. But yet in the video she looked Haitian.

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