The enduring legacy of 9/11: Looking back at the war on terror • FRANCE 24 English


As the world remembers the tragic events of 9/11 exactly 23 years ago, an international security expert has told FRANCE 24 how they were a pivotal turning point for the United States. He says 9/11 changed George W. Bush’s perspective on what his administration needed to do in the world. The politicians witnessed the events and decided on a course of action that led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is only now, more than 20 years later, that the war on terror appears to be coming to an end. Elie Baranets, a researcher in International Security at the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM), a research institute of the French Ministry of Armed Forces, spoke to us in Perspective.

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  1. Protect America…

  2. Young people will never understand how devastating that was. Just look at how few views this video got. How easily we forget.

  3. This is a very interesting issue because I think foreigners don't really understand how different the United States is. We are not an ethnicity based society we are society which is a global superpower which has great diversity in terms of its population. As a result it's extremely difficult to get consensus in the United States.
    The thing is the closest you ever get to consensus you have about 9/11. Americans will never forget and never forgive this that's a given. Any person or group found to be in sympathy with or complicit with 9/11 will be punished and there is no statute of limitations.

  4. You mean the day US attacked itself in a plan to start so called war on terror

  5. war on terror was a propaganda by this you guys accomplished money and oil and nothing else

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