Inside Germany’s far right | BBC News


A spy chief in Germany has said that the country’s prominent far-right party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), poses a danger to the “roots” of democracy.

While the party has repeatedly rejected accusations of extremism, the BBC has found a clear crossover between AfD figures and far-right networks, some of which are classed as anti-democratic or racist by German authorities.

The AfD is eyeing electoral gains in Germany’s autumn elections, and while extremism and corruption allegations have seen the party dip in the polls, they retain popularity in the country’s post-communist communities.

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  1. They’re lucky it’s not much worse

  2. Rich jews are behind all of this

  3. Its about tiem Gewrmans are waking up. I'm not even white but they have the right to protect themselves and get their country back

  4. Its not the fare right as you call them Its the left who made Germans whitch I opposed the left now go interview the left and there family of illegals you just need the negertive better story and it stirs more hait becouse of you they are Germans go tell the mulems who kill

  5. History is an unforgiving mirror. On 1st September 1939, Germany plunged the world into chaos with aggression and chemical weapons. Decades later, arms sales fuel conflicts, displacing millions, yet those who benefitted now vilify immigrants who rebuild their economies.

    Beneath this lies jealousy and competitiveness—resentment of those who succeed where others fail. Meanwhile, Germans have emigrated globally, enjoying opportunities now denied to others. Rejecting artists and thinkers for reactionary voices only perpetuates ignorance.

    Expel immigrants, and watch your insular vision collapse. History is unkind to those who scapegoat; responsibility, not hatred, is the only path forward.

  6. It's revolting anti white racism like the bbc reporting is the reason clowns like trump get into power

  7. ⚠️ The rise of the far-right is fundamentally the result of the left, not dealing with mass illegal immigration and robust border controls, like #Poland have, where there are no such problems…
    To the people of Magdeburg and all of Germany. I would just like to express my solidarity with the families affected by this evil…
    In dieser traurigen Zeit denken wir an euch… 🫂♥️
    🇬🇧 🤝🏻 🇩🇪

  8. Dislike, unsubscribe! Enough of this propaganda!

  9. In india these muslims are already overflowing. WAKE UP EUROPE!!!😢

  10. Being called far right, nazi, fasist, or rasist has lost its meaning. If you are against the current government, then in their eyes, you match these characteristics.

  11. ah yes, the BBC. Leftist state propaganda 👍🏼

  12. The BBC are Trash…don’t listen!

  13. I am a progressive, but allowing other countries to come into your country that have made subjugation of women and children the backbone of their theocracy and demanding the hosting country to adopt their beliefs are not acceptable. When you move to a country you accept that belief that is central to becoming a citizen. You can keep your religion and beliefs but you must follow the rules in that country. It’s driving people to believe they need to remove them and they may be forced to to preserve their countries identity

  14. buzz

  15. Moslims are dangerous they hate jews and christians and all other non moslims

  16. You over there, better get some far right for your country. Otherwise you will be a pakistani outpost and not more. Sad for me as a german to see this great kingdom going down like that. If i want to see the British culture i need to watch videos from the 80's. But its not to late for you. You are still more. Move!!!!!!!!!
    Greetings from Germany

  17. Because the current German political machine are driving them to the AFD by shoving illegal migrants down their throats.

  18. Let BBC journalists be replaced by Muslim and Arab journalists in 10 yers time…

  19. The only extremism the German gov should be worried about is from all the other ppl they let in. Let the German ppl fight to remain German.

    Make Germany German Again.

  20. Wake up! R U German or Jewman?

  21. Bitte machen Sie Deutschland rechter/konservativer! Schützen Sie wie Italien die europäischen/christlichen Werte in Europa!

  22. Please make Germany more Right wing/Conservative! like Italy please protect European/Christian values in Europe!

  23. BBC realizing that spouting random buzzwords about the "far right" isn't working anymore:

  24. The English far right is funded by the fascist and apartheid state of Israel. I assume the far right in Germany gets its funding from the same source. Islamophobia is an Israeli creation. If greater Israel is to be achieved Palestinians, Iranians et al have to be defeated, this means Islam also has to be defeated. Join the dots.

  25. Gonzalez Timothy Jackson Donald Allen Carol

  26. Anything that opposes the WOKE agenda That has prevailed in the Media and the mindset of Traitorous Politicians wins my approval!

  27. AFD wants to solve problems so what is wrong with that?
    we will never understand
    Why some Germans still vote for other parties rather than AFD.
    Germany is betraying Germans..Tgey lied about Grenzkontrolle 🙈 and you wonder why people vote for AfD because they can save Christianity and Germany

  28. Yet the lefties continue to support a terrorist state every weekend. Thick runts.

  29. Didn't know common sense is far right

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