the UK government has been defeated in court – for a second time – for not doing enough to meet its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental campaigners argued that the energy minister signed off the government’s climate plan without evidence it could be achieved.
The High Court ruled on Friday that the government will now be required to redraft the plan again.
In response the government defended its record on climate action.
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#ClimateChange #BBCNews
I don't understand, maybe someone can explain me… How does the supreme court have become the manager of climate change ? It sound like the supreme court have established objectives around climate change(like a CEO would do), the government must create a plan to reach the goals and implement it(same as the different directors in a company)…
Since when does the supreme court care about climate change and how does climate change is related to fundamental exercises of the judicial system ?
It's all bullshit
Net zero will destroy our jobs industry
What happens when you have built a civilisation designed to be fuelled by fossil fuels and later you see problems with that fuel source and wish to change? The shape of your civilisation then dictates what can be done and what cant leading to inventions like our current range of renewables creating a civilisation model that's more modified fully body kitted and jimmy rigged than an old school SR Vauxhall nova ….lol
Going green in all honesty needs to be thought of in larger time frames than decades so that new developments today are in alinement with where we intend to be in a century from now thus using super computers to simulate the evolution of our civilisation over the next two hundred years is probably going to be one of the best things we can do to combat climate change FACT…!
Net zero WILL NEVER HAPPEN and it shouldnt either . This whole climate change retaric is a SCAM with no actual evidence to support it . The data they push out to support this SCAM is from people the government FUNDS and they are being paid to support the narrative .
We need to nationalise ALL private companies so the profits made go BACK into our country as a renewable income always making profits always going back into our countries and being paid out to make all more profits SUNAK has tried his hardest to drain our financial pot by trying to provatise as many national systems as possible so the profits go to private companies back pockets rather than BACK into our countries finiancal hub for the good of our people
They should take corporations to court not government.
Pathetic.. Government when elected by the people should be able to do as they like and held accountablr only by the people not courts
The government suckkkkks
Britain currently has 39.3 GWh of pumped storage. There are 4 pumped storage stations in Britain. No meaningful storage capacity has been added to the grid since the 1980s, and there is no other large scale energy storage in the country.
To cover a cold dark still winter you would need to increase pumped storage capacity by a factor of about 1000 (taking into account pumped storage is about 75% efficient). So we would need to find 4000 suitable locations where a 300 to 400m dam can be built to hold back 10 million cubic metres of water, with a fall to the turbines below of about 400 metres.
Then we would have to build 160 of these every year, year after year, for 25 years.
The scale, and the massive cost of storage, by whatever method (pumped storage is one of the cheapest by the way), make it an impossible mission.
"Wind droughts" where electrical generation runs at 20% of capacity lasting 100 days or more can be expected once every 50 years. This would see a shortfall of 2TWh at current capacities.
665TWh electricity is projected to come from wind power in 2050 (National Grid). Current wind power 75TWh (2020).
350TWh of Hydrogen storage would exceed by a considerable margin the current annual electrical generation in the UK (~300TWh). It would also be more than 50% of electrical consumption in 2050.
Hydrogen storage is also one of the more expensive energy storage strategies at $203/MWh. Pumped storage $131/TWh with gas generated about half of the latter (At 2021 prices researched by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory).
Let's look at it another way. The Royal Society recommend the UK should have 100TWh of energy storage (it's currently 39.3 GWh from 4 pumped storage facilities). That's over a 2,500 fold increase. That means building 10,000 pumped storage facilities or 400 every year.
That's at the same time as increasing wind power generation from 75TWh (in 2020) to 665TWh (in 2050 – these are UK National Grid figures). That's around 100,000 giant wind turbines. And by the time you get to 2050, the 4,000 wind turbines you needed to install in 2025 would have reached the end of their working lives and will need to be buried in landfill, and replaced with another 4,000. It's all impossible and absurd.
Уничтожают Сваю Сталилитейную Промышлинность , из за Глупостей ! ! ! Вулканы Делают Столько Выбросов в атмосферу , Сколько Захотят . Без Ваших Разрешений и Дурацких Решений ! 🌋
Care about climate and environment? It is up to everyone to stop buying crap they don't need, to stop being wasteful, and to start holding powerful people accountable for their stupidity and greed.
Good!! Governments, oil companies and the people who support them will eventually fold !! We out number you by the billions and we want change for our children’s sakes!! If you do not believe humans are to blame for at least 80% of climate problem then you are an idiot! The science is sound! your selfish ignorance will not be tolerated !
Vote them out. Vote Green 💚 Science is real.
The quantified global leader in pollution and carbon emissions has said it’s on a back foot and will not play to the rules of G7 summit, yet is posing more detriment than the amalgam of all other countries combined!
Wild guess which country this is eh? 🤷🏼♂️😬
One thing for certain, the politics of crisis will carry on under Labour,. I know that the public are stupid enough to vote that shower in.
Cowards have ducked out of the mayor of Landonistan video and the ire that the comments would portray. The worm is you, the Btitish haven't turned.
Blame rishi sunak😐
while the NATO morons continue with the manufactured war in europe they push out a selection of crap like this for the brain dead masses to listen to GIVE THE BULLSHIT A REST .
Where does the bbc find all these British natives from 😂😂😂
'cLiMaTe cHaNgE' 🥱
Turn your eyes to China and the CCP , they are building more Coal plants yearly and poluting the WORLD while we are buying their cheap crap
To be accussed of "racism" , yes one of the usual BBC put downs, for simply questioning certain aspects of the "narrative" in my case regarding climate change just says to me its all a big pile of misinformation.
Go back to bicycles and walking, BTW please stop breathing too much C02.
Социалистический интернационал
англ. Socialist International
Педро Санчес
3 июля 1951
Великобритания Лондон
Heat pumps and cow farts when they spend billions on tanks and the military industrial complex !! Jahahaba
☀️🏜️🥵🌇⛈️🌤️🌧️☁️🌪️ Climate Change Agenda is one of the biggest 🤥 fake/ false/ 👺 hypocritical/ 😈 psychopathic/ ☠️ criminal/ 🤡 shameless/ 👹 demonic/ ⚕️ inhumane Agendas of 👹 demonic ⚕️ inhumans in order to establish & empower 👹 demonic orders in the world.
👹 Demonic inhumans owned 🌦️ weather modification institutions are changing the 🌦️ weather with different kinds of artificial ☢️☣️🤢☠️💀 toxic chemicals and ☢️☣️☠️ radiations, but saying that common 👥🫂 people and their activities are responsible for 🌦️ Climate Change. So they want to ⚰️☠️💀 depopulate the planet.
They are doing all 👹 demonic activities based on "Orders Out of Chaos" formula.
Hell yes!! They want you to pay indulgences to their new climate religion and false priests !!!
Shut down the BBC. That will save some carbon emissions.
If they could, the Tories would try to redefine the word ‘zero’.
Still lying about co2 I see.
So the net zero targets are unachievable, what a surprise.
incredible money
China meanwhile is laughing at this
The UK is responsible for 1% of the worlds pollution so no your not getting us to go green we live in England where the sun hardly ever shines and the wind doesn't blow all the time either china is responsible for 25% America is responsible for 20% we arnt paying for other people it will make absolutely no difference what we do make china or the usa deliver why should we get lost
“The Future of the Earth”
..What kind of future awaits us if the temperature rise continues to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial revolution levels?
First, there is something strange at the North Pole. Ice rapidly melts and shrinks, and seawater absorbs heat, accelerating global warming. The impact is on Siberia. Methane that was dormant in permafrost is released in large quantities. Furthermore, in the Amazon, the rainforest is turning into a savannah. As global warming continues uncontrollably, the ice in Antarctica, the largest ice cube on land, is finally melting, and temperatures continue to rise, raising the risk of becoming a hot house Earth.
What will the future hold for Eart as the temperature rises by 4℃ in 2100?
We must now change our future and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A turning point for the future, 5 years left until 2030..
Global warming is a hoax invented by the ultra-rich psychopaths who want to enslave and cull the poor.
The fossil fuel industry has its dirty hands wrapped around our politics so tight that any glimmer of climate action is quickly extinguished before it has a chance to take hold. Corrupt to the core
People only react when it affects them. But by then they’ll be moaning about why nothing was done to prevent it. Some people do not want to pay for the future they just want to live for today, it would help if life wasn’t so expensive, and work wasn’t so badly paid.
Incompetent UK government. UK is a joke!!!
Thumb Nail photo is Steam coming from those stacks. Fake News !
Guess who amended the bill under a labour government in 2008 to give ecomentalist such say and power.
The opposition Conservative Party supported the concept of a bill, and proposed their own variation ahead of the Government's. One of the key differences is that they were demanding annual carbon targets and that the Committee on Climate Change should have an enhanced role, setting targets as well as advising governments, here you go shot themselves in the foot.
Any commitments to climate change should be scrapped. The UK contributes a tiny amount of carbon. As a member of the electorate, I have never been offered an explicit vote on these issues.
Carbon reductions ? Why are these people so stupid . Where has that come from now , the dumb wits were saying CO2 was the problem recently , they do not even know that carbon and CO2 are two different things , which one is it . CO2 and other so called greenhouse gases make no provable difference to the planets temperature in any case .
Let us buy E vehicles at Chinese prices instead of DOUBLING the price.
Sack the judges, sack the government, jail the eco-loons and wait for China, America, India and the other mass polluters to meet some sort of target. We contribute so little to the overall amount of carbon, that the only thing we'll achieve is poverty and very rich large companies. Anyway, who voted for this, I never saw it in any manifesto?
Goverment over rule the courts only when it is in their interests. Climate change swindle To bleed the people even more while the rich get even richer.