After Dune: Prophecy, Tabu is all set to star in Akshay Kumar’s much-anticipated horror-comedy, Bhooth Bangla. Sharing the news on social media, Tabu posted a picture on social media trying to hint on her upcoming project, “Hum yahan bandh hain.” Producer Ektaa Kapoor commented on the post saying, “Aaapka swaagat hai always an honour tabu mam.”
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The film’s shooting is currently underway in Jaipur. Akshay announced the beginning of filming by sharing a photo from the sets with Paresh Rawal. Bhooth Bangla promises to blend elements of humour and horror, a genre fans have seen in previous hits like Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Laxmii.
Directed by Priyadarshan, the movie is slated for its theatrical release on April 2, 2026.
"❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ my most sincere wishes "
"We are so happy to.heat the good news Proncrss Kate .Take care and ..."
"🌻 "
"Beauty 👸 Katy! "
"🆗 Hi! 👸 Princess 🌟 The Best Forever Soviet Union & Space Team ..."
"Finally, some happy news! Bless your sweet family. "
"Inspiring, encouraging video. Lots of love and light to all who are suffering ..."
"My prayers are with you, precious Kate "
"❤❤❤ "
"I cried watching this. Today it is the day when my sister goes ..."
"❤ "
"I fought twice different cancers from 2015. My advice stay close to God ..."
"God bless Catherine and her whole family as she continues to heal. Cancer ..."
"What a beautiful message and video- one we all need to see and ..."
"God bless HRH Princess Catherine and her beloved family❤ "
"Best of luck "
"God bless Princess Catherine of Wales always. Praying for her full recovery. "
"Wishing the Princess health and happiness "
"I am not British, I am just a fan from a far, specifically ..."
"Bless you so much 🩵 "