World awaits potential Israel, Hamas cease-fire news as leaders head to Qatar


Leaders from the U.S., Israel, Egypt and other nations are hoping to rekindle Israel, Hamas cease-fire talks as Qatar indicates it has engaged Hamas leadership again for a possible deal. CBS News’ Ramy Inocencio reports.

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  1. Blinken tidak tau mau,sudah hancur semua akibat dukungan negaranya as.sibuk mengupayakan genjatan seunjata.masih bisa menyalahkan hamas dasar pecundang

  2. Blinken is a tool of Bidens disastrous foreign policy of supporting Israel's genocide.

  3. He needs to go n stop taxpayers money n go home.

  4. For israelis to admit Gaza is Israels land, then the refugees that have been victimized, are in Israels judiciary and they have obligations to keep all civilians within their judiciary safe from being harmed. Its the law of a democractic statehood to do such. Now, if refugees, lets say in some major town in the US starts to commit crimes, does this give the right to the US authority to place all those that are refugees, as well as the ones giving aid to them, in the same catergory as the ones commiting crimes and blanket bomb the city in which the trouble originated from, while claiming they are trying to stamp out crime against US citizens? People have no idea of what nonsense they have been fed by the media that are complicit in the ongoing crimes against humanity.

  5. If the US and Isreal expect Hamas to agree the release of the hostages in exchange for the 'hope' of a permanent ceasefire then they're crazy!


  7. Remember liberals you supported Biden and Harris giving billions to Iran

  8. Yup, lets keep sending US tax dollars overseas 👍 we sure dont need it 👌

  9. Forget ceasefire israel is attacking right now

  10. Wasn't it Qatar who said they weren't going to stop payment to Iran because thr billion$ already posted into their bank account on 10/6/23?

  11. What hilarious is that Israel just authorized to carry out strikes against Iran as I’m writing 😂😂😂 bad times

  12. This is his 11th visit to Israel without any ceasefire deal. This isn’t something that people should be excited or waiting about

  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. How many times have I heard Blinken say “Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians in Gaza” yet nothing changes. How about “if Israel doesn’t do more to protect civilians in Gaza, they won’t get a dime or a single weapon from us moving forward.”

  15. I guess hamas and hezbola shouldn’t have started the war

  16. Blinken is so useless, hasnt done anything the past 4 years

  17. Still waiting for CBS and the rest of the media to tell their viewers that Biden/Harris’ murderous policy toward Israel directly led to October 7 and what has followed. Biden/Harris appeased the ayatollah when they lifted Iranian oil sanctions and unfroze over $100 billion in Iranian assets. This allowed Iran to fund Hamas’ tunnels, munitions and recruitment. Yet the media continues to blatantly lie to us to protect the democrats at any cost. It’s absolutely disgusting.

  18. 💩🧠🤯🤡🐔💩❓❓❓❓🤔🤔

  19. WE CAN DO THIS! 💙Lets make TRUMPs RALLY EMPTY – NYC Oct 27 Madison Square Garden_
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  20. How can u say u want a cease fire but continuously arm Israel to bomb indiscriminately? Make it make sense. Why no call for a cease fire in Ukraine? Again ..Make it make sense.

  21. طاب يومك خالقي والسلام عليك ايتها العين القديرة والمقتدرة
    يسمح للملائكة
    1 السرافيم . الكروبيم . العروش
    2 القوات . السلاطين . السيادات
    3 الرياسات . رؤساء الملائكة . الملائكة
    وملائكة خزنة جهنم
    وملائكة خزنة الجنة
    وملائكة حملة العرش
    وملائكة حرس الشديد للسماء

    يسمح للملائكة ان يبنوا لهم قصور في الجنة ويتزوجوا من نساء الجنة الحور العين والقاصرات الطرف لكل ملك يتزوج زوجتان وخليلة على ان تسكن كل واحدة في قصر . العفو عن الملائكة الساقطين الفارين والمسجونين الذين سقطوا مع الشيطان ابليس واعادتهم لعبادتهم في السماوات وبناء لهم قصور في الجنة ويتزوجوا من نساء الجنة الحور العين والقاصرات الطرف . (يسمح فقط للملائكة القديسين والمختارين الذين لم يسقطوا مع الشيطان ابليس ان يبنوا لهم قصور ويتزوجوا في الفردوس الاعلى في الجنة) ملاحظة يسمح بأحضار الجن الماهرين في بناء القصور الى الجنة للمساعدة في بناء القصور . يسمح للملائكة ان تأكل من اللحوم الطيور الدجاج والاوز والبط والديك الرومي . ومن الدواب الماعز والخراف والغزلان والبقر . ومن الأسماك التي ليس لديها اسنان . يسمح للملائكة ان تأكل من ثمار الجنة وتشرب من انهارها عدا شجرة الحياة التي اكل منها ادم وحواء . العفو عن الشيطان ابليس فقط ان سجد لادم في قبره وموضعه في السماوات .
    تمت الموافقة عليها من قبل
    (اللّه والرب والخالق)
    رسول ومستشار الخالق
    رائد الطائي

  22. I give my opinion based on God's word showing no bias towards anyone.
    Here it is:
    I hold both British Government and UN responsible for the present hostilities between Arabs and Jews that UN call it as "land of Palestine" since ending the "British Mandate" and the wars since 1948 to this date.

    Reason: You both acted contrary to the "Word of God".

    Both government and institution should have known self determination for Jewish kingdom in Jerusalem ended by God of Israel through the Babylonian Kingdom in 585bc, and since then Jews never had self determination until they lost their land in 70 ad by the Romans because, in between when they were brought back by God again through the Persians they were under the rule since 585 b.c. under Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

    When they lost their right to live in that land after 70 ad, they were brought back to their land by Great Britain who had the right to that land to rule over as the as the Birthright family of Joseph(Ephraim-Britain and Manasseh-America) as for 1 Chronicles 5:1-2.

    Neither Jews nor Arabs had the right for self determination in that piece of land except under the British rule and under the throne of the British Royal Family, which is the "Throne of David" as God authorized.

    My question to UN:

    Why both UN and British Government decided to act contrary to the Holy Bible.

    It is the obligation under His Majesty's the British Government at the time to rule that part of land, and not Jews or Arabs.

    The question is:

    Jews were ruled by Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks and Romans until 70 ad when they were once dispersed after God uprooted the Jewish kingdom in Jerusalem of their last king Zedekiah in 585bc.

    Why did UN act contrary to what God's decree?

    How can Jews have self rule when God ended theirs in 585 bc and were ruled by the gentiles until 1948 AD?

    When responsible institutions and governments act knowing Jews and Arabs cannot have self governance in that part of land and when God handover to British people, you invite chaos when act contrary to the holy bible.

    Equally Jews are responsible for rebelling against their God of Israel for kicking out British Rule and trying to steal the whole promise land that God gave to Abraham as an eternal gift to all 13 tribes including Ephraim and Manasseh for Joseph and not just one tribe Judah(Jews) through a "Zionist Movement" in 1948 onwards.

    Without God's exclusive permission, October 7 event would never have occurred to happen if not for Jews desecrating God's High Sabbath with a all night music festival on the day of 7th October that was the "Last Great Day" in Biblical Calendar.

  23. To trust Netanyahu is to trust in the Devil himself.

  24. But but but what about Ukraine vs. Russia, no end insight right Democrats?

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